
Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Upcoming MS Bike Tour, Aug 4-5

As I wasn't doing another ride that weekend, and being married to the captain of Team Qualcomm... well, I'm participating in the MS Bike Tour. August 4 and 5. It should be fun. Don't know which distances I'm going to ride, but I don't think I have to decide until each morning.

The MS Bike Tour is a fundraising ride for Multiple Sclerosis research, so this is a gentle request for your support, should you feel so inclined.

My page over in MS-150-land is here:
and there is a "Donate to Lynne" button in the upper left.

Thanks much!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Prague to Budapest - some pictures are up...

Moat at Cervena Lhota

Me at the town sign

eventually this will turn into a real trip report, but here are some pictures from Prague, and the first 3 days of the ride: