
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Longest Ride Since May

Cecil and I rode around the east side, mostly in NE Portland. Wandered out Willamette Blvd, onto the bike path, over to Smith and Bybee Lakes, back to Little Red Bike Cafe, where food was consumed (mmm, Paper Boy fried egg and cheese sandwich), then over to the Urban Farm Store, so I could admire the baby chicks.

32.57 miles, at the blistering pace of 9.45 mph.

A September total of 72 miles, again, longest since May.

The doctor's office is impressed. I mean impressed, as in they can't really conceive of riding a bicycle that far even in perfect health.

I chucked some weights around today. I need to get back into shape, because I have turned into a total blob. I will be sorry tomorrow :-)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Number Four!

US Patents, that is. Really big grin here. We signed the invention disclosure for this one just a few days AFTER I had been subjected to a 7 hour deposition defending another patent. (We won.) I told the IP department that I just don't learn...

US Patent 7,593,814, Attaching measurement data to an area map

Here, if you want the details.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Missing Scenario

(this would be a Usability/User Experience related post. If this doesn't interest you :-) that's entirely fine)

The scenario:

Prescription refill needed. Patient has new health insurance. The medication in question is one that is not normally stocked at a retail pharmacy, and, on top of that, needs preauthorization.

Patient, knowing all these things, brings it by a week in advance for the refill.

5 days later, patient hears nothing, not from doctor's office, pharmacy, or health insurance.

Health insurance hasn't gotten a preauthorization request, which comes from the doctor's office

Doctor's office hasn't gotten the refill request, which comes from the pharmacy

The pharmacy is called. They have new software, which does not even kick off the refill request until the medication is in stock. And there we have it.

Or, in my case, might not have it until a few days later than desired...

It is going to be a very low energy weekend.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pedaling around N Pdx with Cecil and Liz

Cecil said if it was raining, she wasn't riding. I'm still wondering who said that, and what she did with Cecil. Fortunately, it was NOT raining, so Bleriot, Little Pink Bear and I were at Cecil's at the appointed hour.

We headed north to Liz's place (about 5.4 miles), then over to NE 33rd and north to the Marine Drive bikepath.

We saw deer by the airport, cormorants and herons in the river, and a Cooper's hawk on the airport fence.

Picture of Cecil with camera in hand

On the way to the turnaround there was a gent fixing a flat. He assured us he had everything, so we went on.

Pink Flowers and the Columbia

After faffing around at the turnaround, taking many pictures of flowers, and finally riding back, he was still there. He had patched the hole, but the tube would still not hold air. I found the OTHER hole, while Cecil swept the tube for sharp pointy things. Then we sat down to wait until it looked like he could proceed onward.

Back along the path, and onto NE33rd, where we found KRhea and Mrs. KRhea on one of their many tandems. KRhea was happy to see that I was not a ghost, as Portland Velo hasn't seen me since early May.

Then back to Liz's neighborhood where we embarked on a fruitless search for an open coffee shop (Labor Day. Chancy, that). Then back to Liz's for tea, cookies and more visiting.

Cecil and I then rode back the 5.4 miles to her house, where I ended up with zucchini bread (all you Facebook readers should be very envious :-) ) and a chunk of melon.

27.8 miles, at the blistering pace of 9.7 mph. I had fun. Longest ride since May, and a 42 mile weekend. Whoo!

Also, color decision made for the eventual new bike:

Sweetpeas (this color Natalie!)

I suspect none of you are surprised.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Save Helvetia Ride

One of my very favorite local cycling areas is Helvetia, which is north of Hwy 26. Rolling, rural, beautiful... I've been riding there since the early 90's.


There is a movement afoot to expand our Urban Growth Boundary. They want to include Helvetia. Ack! House farms, industrial complexes... I figure there is enough land still within the UGB that they don't need to do that. Heck, downsize a few parking lots.

Save Helvetia organized a ride today, to tour the area. I selected the shorter, and less hilly route (I know all the roads. No way am I choosing to ride on Kaiser, Old Germantown, or Springville these days!)

We started at Team Estrogen, where owner Susan O. is a member of the BTA Board. Fitz also came along. Einar and Kevin were also riding; nice surprise!

We talked with some local residents, then headed out.

Of course, it was raining. Heavily :-)

We turned onto Groveland Rd - I've seen both ends of it, but never ridden it... not paved. Not that Bleriot's big fat tires cared.

First stop was Furrow Farm on West Union. I've ridden past there millions (only slight exaggeration) of times. They are very busy in late November and December, because about half their crop is Christmas trees (the whole Helvetia area sees a lot of cars with trees on top that time of year), but they also raise hazelnuts. We had samples of the chocolate-covered ones. Mmmmm.

Then west some more and north on Jackson Quarry Rd. At this point I assumed the position of Lanterne Rouge. Saw a subset of the Velo race team at the corner of Jackson Quarry and Helvetia Rd.

I made it about 1/3 of the way up the hill to the Helvetia Church, then the warp engines failed. Fortunately, we had a sag vehicle, driven by the delightful Brendan, who gave me a lift to the top of the hill. (Post ride analysis says 15% grade. What was I thinking?)

Then generally downhill, lots of rollers, past Roloff's farm, the Helvetia Tavern, and then onto Phillips Rd. More rollers. A left on Dick Rd to view the amazing railroad trestle, then headed back, continuing on Dick Rd to the Finquita del Buho CSA. It turns out I've met one of the owners; they are buddies with Pumpkin Ridge Gardens CSA (ours), and she sells starts and flowers with Polly at the Beaverton Farmers' Market.

We had a great tour of their 2-acre farm, from which they feed 65 subscribers! Lots of vegetables, pears, chickens (eggs), goats (milk, cheese, and meat), and pigs (meat). We munched on string beans (purple, haricots verts, and Blue Lakes), broccoli, cherry tomatos, and hot peppers (I declined...). Quality farmland like that is not an increasing commodity.

Then back to Team Estrogen, more chatting with Einar, and home to some hot chicken soup, with lots of our CSA corn in it...

no pics today, but visit these flickr sets for an idea of what we want to preserve:
Riding with Rickey
Verboort Populaire (in the general area, might be outside the boundary...)
West Side Ride (ditto, parts are in the boundary)

and from Cecil's pics:
Last Beautiful Day

Oh, yeah, details: 12.2 miles, 11 mph average