
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sweetpea headbadge

Sweetpea headbadge
Originally uploaded by Lynne Fitz
I never did share this one...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sweetpea gets a page in The Book

After 626 miles of completely enjoying riding Sweetpea, I did notice that the chain might need cleaning.  That accomplished (also the Brooks saddle relaced with something a bit more durable), I then added Sweetpea to The Book.


After I built up Bleriot, I realized I'd have to start really keeping track of when I cleaned chains, replaced parts, did major maintenance, etc.  And, with two (at the time) bikes, I'd better write it down somewhere!

Bleriot, pg 1

Bleriot, page 2

Hence, The Book.  Each bike has a section, and, other than date and odometer reading, it is pretty free-form.  I like to know how long my wheels have lasted, how many miles are on a tire, when did I last change a chain (or for that matter, clean one :-) ).  I'd be even better if I noted when I swapped out the batteries in the blinkies.  (note to self...)

There are 4 bikes in the book - Bleriot, Lemond, Sweetpea, and Gitane, with Bleriot having the distinction of two full pages.


I've got to wonder how the folks I know with, um, many (15, 50) bikes keep up with it all...

On Training

By now, some of you have noticed that I might ride my bikes a bit, now and then, and sometimes go for a run.  Organized training?  Not so much.

There is a half marathon with my name on it in 5 weeks.  I am not running intervals.  I am not following the "4 runs a week" plan.  I am trying to get out 3 times a week, 2 medium kinds of run (intervals?  what, are you kidding?), and one really long one (10 miles last week!) with a friend who really does train.  I figure, at this rate, I will be able to finish.  Not so worried about time.  I run to, well, run.  Plonk plonk plonk plonk plonk...

And that bicycling stuff?  Again, I don't train.  No intervals.  No plans.  I commute to work 4 days a week (10 miles RT, with a hill).  I try to do something on weekends, but it usually a club ride or something with Cecil (something with Cecil is always longer and harder than the club ride.  But definitely fun).  Or I might think I should be working on the climbing, and go ride up some hills - we've got some nice ones within easy riding distance of my house.

I have been averaging about 400 miles a month, except for August.  Somehow I found myself, at the end of the last week, with only 3.5 miles to go to hit 700 miles.  One bike commute later, and there I was.

Last week, I wondered if Cecil wanted to ride somewhere.  Her weekend schedule was such that "if you wanted to do hill repeats for a couple of hours on Mt Tabor early Saturday..."

As I still think I should be working on my climbing, we arranged to meet up at Kettleman's at 6am for bagel and hot beverage of choice, then head over to Mt Tabor at 6:30.  Left my house at 5am on Sweetpea (very dark!  good test of the Supernova E3!), up over Sylvan, and arrived at 5:55am.  A minute or two later, another bright bike headlight appeared.

Then over to Mt Tabor.  I have never ridden loops around it.  We ride over a lower part of it on our way out to the Gorge, and that's it.  Two loops so I'd know where I was going (I have no illusions about keeping up with Cecil on a climb.  Few people do.)  She only lapped me once over the two hours.  I got in 10.5 repeats.

Then, of course, I had to ride home, again, up over Sylvan.

Being the number crunching sort, I now know that the loop is 2.24 miles, and I averaged 11:11 around it.  (If you don't do a baseline, you'll never really know if you are getting better).

Mt Tabor Hill Repeats

For me it was a 49+ mile ride, with almost 4300 vertical feet.  That's a lot of climbing.

Next time I do this (when?  good question?), I can see if I got any faster.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Some Real Pics of the New Sweetpea

Cleaned off the Gatorade drips, and such.  The bike has been ridden almost 600 miles already, and the chain needs cleaning...

front end with cool green headset spacers

Is that not a pretty bike?

front side view

SON Deluxe generator hub

White Industries H-3 rear hub

The bottom bracket was swapped out for a Phil Wood, which gave a better Q factor, and much smoother shifting.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bike Lemming: September is National Wave and/or Say Hi to Another Cyclist Month

Bike Lemming: September is National Wave and/or Say Hi to Another Cyclist Month

I wave.  And this morning while heading in, I was passed (the usual state of affairs, even if I'm going 17mph!) by no fewer than 4 cyclists heading west on Park Way.  But first, the five of us were stopped at the red, waiting to cross Cedar Hills.  Could be a fun month!