
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Bleriot rolls over 700 miles

Bleriot rolled over 700 miles on today on our Portland Velo ( club ride. I had planned to ride to and from the ride, and so departed the house shortly before 8am for the 9am ride start. Collected Jason along the way, and continued heading west to Longbottom's Coffee and Tea, where the Saturday Portland Velo rides are based.

While it wasn't raining, it was supposed to, so, like every OTHER weekend for the past it seems like forever, I was in rain gear and tights. I would really like to see 60's and not raining. The full fenders and mudflaps came in handy yet again.

Rickey was waiting in the parking lot, as well as Genny and many other riders I hadn't seen for awhile (I was missing, not them :-) )

I took the 15-17 mph group, and off we went. The major climbs on the route were Cedar Canyon, Stafford, and the rollers on Hillside, for a total of 41 miles.

We finished about 1:15, and I noticed a familiar van in the lot. As in, MY van. Fitz drove out to have post-ride coffee with us. Guess I didn't have to ride home. As the sky subsequently opened, probably a good thing. Enjoyed the traditional post-ride Omellette Special and coffee, visiting with the riders who stayed after to socialize.

Talking with the other riders, it seems we were the only group that didn't shortcut the route.

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