
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bryce Canyon National Park

The day after touring Zion, we all got up bright and early to drive to Bryce Canyon National Park; about a 3 hour drive from St. George. Our first stop was Staples, to buy another memory card for the camera :-)

North on I-15, then east from Cedar City. We went over a pass near Brian Head Ski Area - there was snow up there still. Then down and east. Driving into the entrance of Dixie National Forest, we saw some excellent sandstone hoodoos, and had to stop and take pictures.

Dixie National Forest

Then through the forest, and then through open high desert for another stretch. There were signs for Bryce Canyon, but it didn't look like there was anything around. Then through what could have easily passed for the dry side of the Oregon Cascades, and into the park, where it still looked like the dry side of the Oregon Cascades (pines, very little underbrush).

The rangers suggested a hike into the Bryce Canyon ampitheater, if we wanted to see more sandstone hoodoos. Driving out there, it was still not very different. Parked the car, grabbed our hydration packs (the ladies) and bottled water (the gentlemen), and followed the sign...

The Ampitheater

And the ground fell away, and it didn't look very much like planet Earth anymore :-) Well, it did if you were the roadrunner and the coyote. It was amazing. After a round of picture-taking on the rim, we started hiking down to the bottom of the ampitheater. We couldn't go more than a few steps without taking pictures. I'll let the pictures tell the story:


Rebecca and Jessica


Fitz in front of a "little" hoodoo



We followed the trail down, picked up the Queen's Garden Trail, and followed it to the Two Bridges, then up to Sunrise Point, and then hiked back to Sunset Point, where we started.

Fitz and Lynne with the Ampitheater in the background

We then drove to a few more viewpoints and took more pictures. Words really fail me. The park is amazing. Over the top. Stupendous. Magnificent. "A hell of a place to lose a cow" - Mr. Bryce, who had the farm at the mouth of the canyon.

After the hikes

For the ride back, we took the route back through the Zion Tunnel into Zion National Park, where we were treated to different sandstone formations than the ones seen in Zion Canyon.

Checkerboard sandstone

Dinner was at the Bumbleberry Restaurant in Springdale. Entirely forgettable with mediocre service. We got our Bumbleberry Pie to go, and picked up some ice cream on the way back.

All the Bryce Canyon Pictures can be found here:

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