
Monday, May 14, 2007

Rebecca Graduates!

Rebecca in front of the Architecture building

On May 4, Rebecca graduated from the University of Utah, with a BS in Architectural Studies.

We flew to Salt Lake the evening before, where Rebecca and Jessica fed us dinner, preceded by cheese, crackers, and wine. My parents were also there - they drove down that day, and beat us by a few hours. It was a very nice evening.

The next morning we headed to the ballroom at the Student Center, where the College of Architecture and Planning was having their convocation. Rebecca elected to skip the general university ceremony. Lots of happy families there, many with small children. Rebecca says many of her classmates are married with at least one child. The ceremony was informal, and moved right along. Everyone was taking pictures.

Rebecca and Jessica

Rebecca with us

Rebecca with her grandparents

Afterward, we took more pictures, and adjourned to the College for a cookie-and-punch reception. It was in the gallery, so we admired many student projects, then Rebecca took us up to the studio. We admired her last project there, and discussed removal of all her stuff. She and Jessica thought they could get it by themselves.

Rebecca in the studio

Rebecca' project

We were all hungry, so we went to the restaurant where Rebecca works (The Other Place, Greek-American) and had a late lunch. Later we all had dinner at Cafe Molise, Rebecca's favorite Italian restaurant.

Rebecca starts at the University of Oregon Graduate School of Architecture (in Portland!) this fall; she and Jessica will be moving here at the end of the summer.

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