
Monday, August 6, 2007

MS Bike Tour, Aug 4-5

Team Qualcomm
Just back from a fun weekend in Forest Grove! As Fitz was a VIP, we had things to do there all three days, so we got a dorm room at the university, which saved a lot of back and forth driving.
Little Pink Bear does its part
Friday after work we drove out, checked in, and attended the VIP reception. It was on the street in front of Maggie's Buns, and Maggie did the catering. Yummy! Visited with other riders as well. Then we set up the Qualcomm tent, so the team riders would have a shady place to meet and hang out. Visited with the UFCW team members across the path, as one of them is a fellow Portland Velo member (hi Scottie!) They have exceptionally cool jerseys.

Then off to our dorm room. We did have a roommate - the delightful Joe, from Dallas, Oregon. We all got our bikes ready for the next day, as we were planning on a 7am start. Putting on all the numbers and organizing the clothing does take time.

Passed by the REI table - Bruce B was working there, and talked us into some free water bottles.

Finally got to sit down and pay the bills, too! There was a mailbox by the cafeteria, so all done!

Up at 5:30, and off to a 6am breakfast. Then over to the Qualcomm tent at 6:45; some folks were there, some were still at their cars. More number pinning, then we had a team start at about 7:20. Our team name was announced, round of applause, and off we went.
Preetha getting ready
I was trying the Rickey method - ride 12 miles every hour. If my pace drops, well, I've just got less time to faff at the rest stops. There were 3 of us planning on doing the 104 mile route, but I did not expect to be riding with the other 2. I'm not fast, just persistent. Preetha was riding the 36 mile route, so I didn't see her after we started.

I met up with the rest of the team at the second and third rest stops, then I was on my own. Not so bad, really.

The climb of the day was Ladd Hill, between the 4th and 5th rest stops. First a long run on Wilsonville Rd (horse country. not a bad road if there isn't traffic, because it is narrow, and there are no shoulders. There was a bit of traffic, not much). Then the left turn onto Bell Rd. Gradually climbing, not so bad... Then the grade kicked up. Then several false summits. Up. Up. Up. I did pause at one point for a couple of minutes, then pressed on. Then a sign - "you have reached the summit, have a cool drink!" Which they would sell us for a dollar. No thanks.

Steep descent into Sherwood (my hands still hurt from braking), and the rest stop. Bruce B greeted me, and made me take another water bottle :-) Visited for awhile, and had a craving for salt, amply satisifed by potato chips. I was thanking a volunteer for being out there - he said his daughter had MS, and they wanted her to get the best treatment available, and more funding for research was a good thing. As it turned out, many of the rest stop volunteers did have MS.

Then through Sherwood, onto Elwert Rd, left at Petrich's General Store, right on Hwy 219... Ugh. Hay trucks. I despise hay trucks. Think a semi towing 2 longbed trailers, piled very high with hay bales. Passing so close I could reach out and touch it (I was trying to get off the road; there was nowhere to go), then turning RIGHT just ahead. You'd think it could have WAITED.
Hwy 219 also has rumble stripped white line and no shoulder.

Then off onto Farmington, Burkhardt, Simpson... Rest stop at the Oak Knoll winery. Cool grass, snacks, drinks. I'm still on schedule, even with Ladd Hill. Off again, now onto very familiar territory - Johnson School, Tongue Lane, Golf Course Rd, the wetlands... I can smell the barn.
It's all for sale
Pulled into Pacific University; Fitz and Brent were sitting there waiting and taking pictures. Then through the finish line (wild cheering, a finish medal....). I looped back to tent, visited a bit, then went to the room for a shower, and back to the beer garden. Had dinner with Fitz and Brent, then got myself a massage. Then back for dessert and entertainment. Then it was 8pm, and we were falling asleep :-)
Lynne and Brent relaxing at the finish
To be continued...

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