
Sunday, August 26, 2007

PTC 2007 - We met all our goals!

Trekking Tekkies at the finish
The Trekking Tekkies had a stellar Portland to Coast walking relay.

Summary points:
  • we broke 24 hours for the course
  • we came in 6th overall out of 400 walking teams

Fun bits:

  • too many engineers loading the van, cartop carrier, and strapping the big oscilloscope model on the top :-)
  • A woman stopping us as we headed out of the sleeping area, wondering what was on top of the van... "I thought it was a toaster!"
  • Talking to an acquaintance on another team before the start of my last leg... Her: "oh, there comes the BLONDE! She blew by us like we were standing still!" Me: "she's on our team. Gotta go..."

How many engineers.....

Good things about being so fast:

  • we were ahead of the crowds
  • we racked up (as a team) over 200 roadkills
  • the blue rooms still had the wrappers on the tp
  • getting street parking right at the Pig and Pancake in Seaside

Waiting for our walker to come along

Susan and Tatyana giving Mike some water

I was driving at the beginning of the second set of legs (think 4am...). Every time we stopped to wait for our walker, I'd take a little nap (nano nap). Then I'd wake up and drive some more. This was making some other persons in the van nervous - I was falling asleep way too readily. And here I thought it was an excellent randonneuring skill. Guess it doesn't translate. In any case the other person offered to drive, so I got to REALLY sleep before my leg. My second leg is #35 - the one that goes for 7.28 miles along a logging road, with no van support. Vaguely uphill, not always paved. Last year I did something to my hip flexor, and, upon finishing, couldn't walk all too well. This year I could walk - the hip flexors were fine, but the quads and calves were grumpy.

Upon returning home, I took a long nap, got up, ate dinner, and went to bed. :-) I'd say I'm getting too old for this, but the Rumpled Old Men hang in there just fine...

The Rumpled Old Men

Results are here: (yes, we are a men's team - we have fewer than 6 women)

More pictures are here:

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