
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Birthday Cake at Maggie's

Today I offered to lead the Portland Velo sub-17 B ride. Distance of about 35 miles, no hills to speak of. I hadn't been feeling well this week, so this ride was just right.

We had a good crowd, maybe 12 of us. It was foggy and in the high 40's. Caught Jason bombing down Evergreen trying to catch the group in front of us (a little late departing from home, there). Standard escape route from Longbottoms - Evergreen, Sewell, Meek, then west on Scotch Church, which has no shoulder until it becomes Zion Church, north on Kerkman... Chatted some with Amber. Turns out we know at least one person in common. I drifted to the back to see how our last riders were doing. One wasn't feeling that great - she'd been sick, and the air was pretty cold. The other two were deep in conversation. We regrouped at St Francis in Roy, where one rider elected to call for a lift home. We waited until she'd contacted someone, then headed off, still going west, out Greenville to Kansas City. And, on the last grade up to Kansas City Rd... my front tire went flat. Many hands make a flat change move right along. :-)

There was some agitating to not stop at Maggie's Buns. I mentioned that I needed at least a BRIEF stop. They thought they'd let me do that.

Rollers on Kansas City/Thatcher, then through the new street into Forest Grove.

Maggie came out to greet us. Rickey called out Happy Birthday! She said she had a surprise for us, because she had a bakery and never got a birthday cake. Well, this year, she did have one, and it was much too big for her to eat herself; would we help? After a round of Happy Birthday (no candles), we all dug in, even the folks that didn't want to stop :-) Chocolate-Raspberry Cake. Yumyumyumyumyum.

Aren't the long route and fast riders who couldn't be bothered to stop going to be sorry!

Uneventful standard return to Longbottom's, where Rickey bludgeoned persuaded everyone to buy the Kid's Coffee special, and we all enjoyed a post-ride coffee.

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