
Saturday, June 21, 2008

The stuff in my head...

(warning, exquisitely geeky content ahead)

Brian is living at home for the next 6 months, during his engineering co-op internship. His computers have moved in (yes, plural), he's excavated his bedroom, and some of our dinners are now Brian-friendly. Like, when was the last time YOU had tuna noodle casserole for dinner, without children in the house? I myself am waiting for the Kraft Mac and Cheese extravaganza (yum!)

So, a couple nights ago... "Dad, can you help me? It is a unix question. I've got a hidden folder that I need to get at, and I need to make a soft link to it. Do you remember the command?"

Wait for it.....

Me: "ln -s"

I have not used unix in possibly a decade. Yes, that was the right answer.


  1. Given you've admitted to harboring a 9-track reel tape, I'm not surprised. :-)

  2. Hidden, schmidden. Tell your son about "ls -a" :-)

  3. What is it about randonneuring that it attracts so many computer folks?
    "I use Cygwin on Windows" Narayan
