
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Week in Histon, Cambridgeshire

I was working there again last week. For those of you keeping track, of the last 5 weeks, I was home for one...

So, back to Histon, and I wasn't sick this time! I did not take the bike; it was going to be dark early, and I wasn't staying over a weekend day. Really, I can walk to the office just fine, it is only .8 miles and darn scenic.

House and windmill in Histon

As I was walking, rather than riding, I saw many more cyclists. My unscientific survey shows that not quite half wore helmets, darn few wore cycling clothes, and most had lighting. A few ninjas, but much fewer than we see in the Portland area. They ALL had fenders :-)

So, pics of the Cambridge area:

The road through Histon
(note the pinch in the road with the bike cut through ahead)

The Old House

I never did learn what this was about

Rest of the pictures are here. Alert readers will note that I had a shortbread fixation.

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