Along with a nice letter, and my name engraved on the back
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wore the Team Bag Balm colors today; we haven't been riding as a group much in months, and I hoped I'd see some of the others there. Don was at the start. I saw Ron, but he was too far away. Cecil was in the pre-reg line; she was intending to ride a Double Cookie. She got her packet, said hi, and left :-)
Richard and Nance were also at the start, and Einar showed up somewhere in there.
The PV group was planning a pre-ride photo. I elected to skip that and start riding. Off around 8:30. Getting out of Salem was a big crowded, but once we got into Keizer, the pack thinned out.
I ended up sitting on Dean's wheel from outside Keizer all the way to the first rest stop. Got some cookies, chatted with Don, heard the usual: "Team Bag Balm is here!". Someone always says that - TBB is often a larger presence at Monster Cookie, Reach the Beach and other event rides. We aren't organized, but we do have fun riding together.
Said hi to Jonathan from Nike (he's a product test analyst; I'm a product tester). Visited with John Henry Maurice from Salem Bike Club (the wonderful folks that put this ride on every spring). Whew. Headed on to Champoeg.
The PV Race Team had arrived at the rest stop just before I left. A couple miles later, they blew by. Then a couple more miles later, I saw a few of them rearranging clothing, and a bit further along, I caught up to the rest of that group. They were riding slower so the others could catch up. So I rode along with them for a few miles. It was surreal, hanging in the double paceline with the fast boys. Then the other two showed up and zip... they were gone.
Then I heard "is that Lynne?", so I waved. The other PV group passed, each one of them saying "Hi Lynne!" as they passed :-)
On to Champoeg. It was surely novel, riding this stretch in daylight. I don't think I've done that much in the past few years. Mostly we are headed north finishing a permanent or brevet, and, well, it's DARK by then.
Walking to get lunch, ran into Sal. Ended up eating with a mixed group of Portland Velo and TBB riders. Renata from Team Estrogen stopped by. I saw John O and Edna as I was leaving.
Mike Y rode out with me. He went for the PV Velo Vie frame, and did it up nicely with blue handlebar tape, the matching seat, and blue tires. Very spiffy. He sat on my wheel until something faster came along - one of the PV groups.
Did a quick pass through the rest stop, where I saw Jack and Kelli (remember them from the BOG ride many years ago?). More cookies (mmmmmmm) and off again.
Came upon Sal and Geri; we rode together for awhile. I had a great 50 miles. Unfortunately, the ride was 62 miles. The last 12 were ridden at a more sedate pace. Dan and Jeff came upon me in Keizer - Jeff wanted to know more about randonneuring. Einar came up just a few miles before the end, and we all finished together.
Posted my fastest average ride pace year-to-date.
Got a really big snickerdoodle, and, eventually a cup of coffee. Visited with Lisa O and her junior escape artists working the Livestrong booth. John O and Mike H finished; more visiting.
I finally took my leave, although it is possible that I could have stayed and visited for much longer. Solo rides clearly aren't, and much more fun because of it!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Polar HRM Receiver Battery Replacement
That all said, my Polar S410 is so far out of warranty. And missing at least two buttons. I sent it off to get everything fixed last time, and they did fix it, but the buttons fell off again. So I give up.
Fitz's Polar S150 also had a battery death.
First Learning: every receiver has a different battery. Open yours up first, to see what it needs, then go buy it. For really obscure batteries, try Batteries Plus. Less obscure, Radio Shack. If your receiver wants a 2032, you can get those anywhere.
Tiny little jeweler's screwdrivers, good lighting, a fuzzy cloth so everything doesn't roll away.
Open the back. Note how the battery is wedged in. Our receivers had different battery retention methods, as well. Mine was easy to figure out. Fitz's was downright weird. The bright thing to do is take a picture before you take it apart, so you'll have a record of the proper orientation of putting it all back together.
Pop out the old battery; put in the new one. Admire that your display again has a readout! Reattach that battery retention thingie.
A tweezer will help you get the infinitesimal screws back into their holes. Screw them down tight, but exercising caution not to strip the screw head!
Now, find your manual or view it online to set your time and date. My receiver actually remembered all my personal settings, which was way cool, since I had only written down my HR zones, but not my VO Max.
And, like I said:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Riding with Rickey
Met them at Longbottom's, and after a brief discussion, decided to approach via Shute/Helvetia Rd. Once past the West Union intersection, it is a quiet and scenic ride.
As our pace was leisurely, I had the opportunity to take many pictures of a favorite area, that I can now share with you.
Helvetia was settled by folks from Switzerland.
There's bits of old-growth forest
When I'm not trying to achieve maximum heart rate, I can admire the scenery on Jackson Quarry Hill.
Rickey and son.
I had never explored Dixie Mountain Road - I know that is what Skyline turns into, when the pavement ends. It terminates on Shadybrook Rd, just north of the Jackson School intersection. It is paved for a couple of miles, and very pretty.
Love this old store just outside of North Plains
We then headed back by way of Gordon Rd, right on Zion Church/Cornelius-Shefflin, then back on Wren. Looking at the map, we could have taken Davis to Leisy and cut out a few miles. Kyle would have appreciated that. Don't know if Davis is paved. Must investigate.
Then the autopilot Wren-Leisy-Hornecker-Cory-Glencoe-Lenox-Sunburst-Evergreen return.
It was a fabulous day. Note for the next few weeks - the clover fields on Leisy will be spectacular...
All the pics here
Monday, April 20, 2009
A Survey of Cue Sheet Formats
That said, I find that some formats work better for me than others. I'd like to find out which combinations of route components and formatting work for you.
I've got a collection of cue sheet samples for viewing here
Cue Sheet Samples
And a 10 question survey
Click Here to take survey
So, if you resemble the demographic (cyclist who rides with cue sheets), join in!
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Dizzy 300km Worker's Report
Vertigo. Dizzy. Not able to walk in a straight line. (For the record, I think it is slowly clearing up. I am able to sit and type...)
In retrospect, I can see that it had been threatening for a day and a half before it really hit. Friday, my head was a little swimmy when I turned it.
Saturday I was up at 3:45am to co-organize the Oregon Randonneurs Three Capes 300km ride. We got everyone checked in, and away at 6am, except for the one person who showed up at 6:30 and departed shortly before 7am.
Then Susan F and I had the longest breakfast ever, and, around 11am, thought we'd do a little riding of our own. We settled on me showing her the new, nice way into Forest Grove on David Hill Road (not yet on google maps), then riding out Ritchey, Stringtown, Dilley, and Old Hwy 47 to the Lake Stop Store. Old 47 is, um, rolling tending to hilly. We elected to continue south to Gaston, cross Hwy 47 there, and then head north back to Forest Grove. Stringtown Rd south of Ritchey is one of my favorite stretches of road ever, and in the spring, it is wonderful. Given that I had felt a little wobbly earlier, it was perhaps not the smartest thing to do, but my head did feel clearer afterward. Susan thought my new bike computer was pretty cool.
A delightful soak in the hot pool after, then we opened up the last control. The Rounder Room was occupied for awhile, so we sat in the back of my van, enjoying the nice weather. Cecil returned, and moved stuff into the room, and Susan and I followed with the rest of the stuff.
The fast boys finished in 10:48. I'm beyond delighted if I can ride a 200km that fast! Imagine, finishing in daylight the Very Same Day!
Riders finished, we all visited, they had snacks, I knitted ("ooh! Alice Starmore" said one of the finishing riders.). Then (to make a short story long), the dizziness just kept getting worse and worse. I couldn't walk in a straight line. After awhile, I couldn't even sit up for long periods of time. I decamped to the sofa around 10:30, and didn't leave it much until it was time to close the control. Bill Alsup said I had a conversation with him when he finished, but I don't remember it. The last riders finished at 1:52am, 8 minutes before the last control closed. Thanks to Bill Alsup for driving back along the route to locate them.
Much amused discussion of the Montagnards and the logistics of applying the battery-operated light penalty. Is it for overall time? Or only the hours ridden after statutory sunset and before statutory sunrise? Suppose there is non-riding time at night (some riders are lucky enough to find time to sleep)? How is that accounted for? Are there also penalties for non-steel frames? Skinny tires? Non-canvas bike luggage? Non-wool clothing? Would bikes that "plane" have an unfair advantage? :-)
Nat Beagley was posting Facebook updates the whole ride (noted by Cecil, who had gone home after we got everyone started). This is how we learned he had broken 2 spokes in his rear wheel (I've got Facebook Mobile on my phone, and so alerted, was able to follow along). Fortunately, he had a lot of other spokes and Paul Whitney, so the wheel was rendered somewhat usable, and he finished in plenty of time.
Cecil scraped me up and drove me home. I fell right into bed, and did not get out of it, pretty much until today. Still dizzy, but I think it is slowly going away.
For the record, the advice nurse wasn't too concerned - she asked a lot of questions ("blow to your head? numbness in your extremities?, etc) to which I answered no to every single one. If it doesn't clear up in a few days, I should call again. She recommended Meclizine (Dramamine, AntiVert), so I've taken some. Time for another nap, I think.
all my pics for the day here
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I'm sure happy I patched that flat
Apparently, not so fast - my rear tire was flatter than a pancake. Picked a lot of little glass bits out of the tire, and patched the tube. Finally, off to Council Crest. Nice, warm, sunny day.
I was playing with my new bike computer, as well, seeing what the waypoint function would do for me. The speedo kept going away, every time I went under power lines. After about a mile of this, I tweaked the sensor position to be closer to the magnet. All good from there on out.
A leisurely climb up to Sylvan (parts of Pointer are 14%. Now you know), then across Hwy 26, onto Hewett, up the last bit of Scholls Ferry, then into the neighborhood, up the hill, and all the way to the top (1086 feet, Google Earth says 1057 feet). Enjoyed my water and Fig Newtons, then headed off for the Fairmount Loop (3.62 miles).
Did I mention it was a really nice day? (temp 75 F)
Then finally back down to home (292 ft). Except, on the bike path, just above West Sylvan Middle School.... BANG!
My rear tire had a bead separation and blowout. You know, the one with the new tube with only one fresh new patch...
Fortunately, (Girl Scout/Randonneuse persona asserts) I still had my spare tire in the rear bag. Walked a bit down the path to the shady pullout for the middle school, and did a complete tube and tire change. It did take some wrestling - those tires that have a kevlar bead and fold flat want to stay that way, rather than go to a nice round cross section.
Two cyclists passed - the one in the most logo-ed clothing asked if I needed assistance. The other just rode by. Aid offering - 50%.
Finished the ride home and played with the data download. I think they are missing some obvious useful functionality, although what is there is certainly good.
Messing with the computer, I note that Bleriot rolled over 7000 miles this past Saturday.
Examining the Record Book (with 4 bicycles, it is worthwhile to note whenever anything of significance occurs), I see that the rear tire has been on the bike for just over 3000 miles. It started out as a front tire (1700 miles), then moved to the rear, when the rear tire was just much too cut up for me to feel confident about riding on it. Perhaps, when I'm so inclined, soon, I'll put the new tire in front and the older tire in the rear.