Met them at Longbottom's, and after a brief discussion, decided to approach via Shute/Helvetia Rd. Once past the West Union intersection, it is a quiet and scenic ride.
As our pace was leisurely, I had the opportunity to take many pictures of a favorite area, that I can now share with you.
Helvetia was settled by folks from Switzerland.
There's bits of old-growth forest
When I'm not trying to achieve maximum heart rate, I can admire the scenery on Jackson Quarry Hill.
Rickey and son.
I had never explored Dixie Mountain Road - I know that is what Skyline turns into, when the pavement ends. It terminates on Shadybrook Rd, just north of the Jackson School intersection. It is paved for a couple of miles, and very pretty.
Love this old store just outside of North Plains
We then headed back by way of Gordon Rd, right on Zion Church/Cornelius-Shefflin, then back on Wren. Looking at the map, we could have taken Davis to Leisy and cut out a few miles. Kyle would have appreciated that. Don't know if Davis is paved. Must investigate.
Then the autopilot Wren-Leisy-Hornecker-Cory-Glencoe-Lenox-Sunburst-Evergreen return.
It was a fabulous day. Note for the next few weeks - the clover fields on Leisy will be spectacular...
All the pics here
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