
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Riding with Rickey

and son. Friend Rickey invited me to join them on a spin around the valley and foothills in western Washington County. The only thing I knew about the projected route is that it included the Jackson Quarry Hill. Of course, that led me to conclude several other things about the route!

Met them at Longbottom's, and after a brief discussion, decided to approach via Shute/Helvetia Rd. Once past the West Union intersection, it is a quiet and scenic ride.

As our pace was leisurely, I had the opportunity to take many pictures of a favorite area, that I can now share with you.

Today's route map

Helvetia was settled by folks from Switzerland.

Helvetia Church


There's bits of old-growth forest

Forested bit before the quarry

When I'm not trying to achieve maximum heart rate, I can admire the scenery on Jackson Quarry Hill.

View from Jackson Quarry Hill

View from Jackson Quarry Hill

Rickey and son.



I had never explored Dixie Mountain Road - I know that is what Skyline turns into, when the pavement ends. It terminates on Shadybrook Rd, just north of the Jackson School intersection. It is paved for a couple of miles, and very pretty.

Just off Dixie Mountain Rd

Love this old store just outside of North Plains

Defunct store on NW Shadybrook Road

We then headed back by way of Gordon Rd, right on Zion Church/Cornelius-Shefflin, then back on Wren. Looking at the map, we could have taken Davis to Leisy and cut out a few miles. Kyle would have appreciated that. Don't know if Davis is paved. Must investigate.

Then the autopilot Wren-Leisy-Hornecker-Cory-Glencoe-Lenox-Sunburst-Evergreen return.

It was a fabulous day. Note for the next few weeks - the clover fields on Leisy will be spectacular...

All the pics here

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