
Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Long Ride for a Donut...

not that it was a long ride, as rides go. Fitz's golf buddy C has had a donut stand at the Lake Oswego Farmers' Market for several years. It supports C's favorite cause - his children's college fund. The whole family is there, every Saturday morning.

Mmm, donut....

I should mention that the BEAVERTON Farmer's Market is a mere 2 miles from our house. Lake Oswego is a bit :-) further, with varied roads.

We headed out, following Fitz's former bike commute route down to Tigard, and then tacked on one of his lunchtime loops, which, coincidentally, went through Lake Oswego.

Riding through Beaverton

First, headed south, crossing lots of busy streets (Walker, Canyon, Beaverton-Hillsdale, and Allen), finally to turn left onto Denney for a block and hop onto the Fanno Creek Trail. We followed it all the way to Tigard, but had to cross Hall and Dakota. There is a tunnel under Scholls Ferry.

Entrance to the Fanno Creek Trail

The trail parallels Hwy 217, and it is creek and wetland, with playgrounds and basketball courts every so often. It is really nice. I took most of my pictures there.

On the Fanno Creek Trail

We then popped out in Tigard, rode through some neighborhoods, then busier streets into Tigard proper. Busy streets until we turned off on Meadows Rd, just south of Kruse Way, then busy again on Boone's Ferry, Country Club Rd, A Street, until we ducked off onto 4th and Evergreen. (Cecil - we don't have to ride on A Street ANYMORE! Evergreen parallels it all the way to 10th)).

Looked for people with bags of produce; found the market. Wandered around, found C. He was amazed that we'd ridden all the way just for one of his donuts (well, 2 donuts. and 2 lemonades).

Enjoyed the donuts, walked back out of the market, and headed back by way of Evergreen, Chandler, Iron Mt Blvd...

Brief pause here - headed to a 4 way stop in one of the narrow parts of Iron Mt Blvd. A car came up behind us (and it had not been sitting back waiting, it had just come up), went to our left right at the stop sign, fully in the other lane, and took off. Did I mention that the lanes were narrow? I am sure there were several traffic laws broken. ZBT111, or something close to that.

where were we... Bryant, Lakeview, Jean, and Boone's Ferry again, under I-5, right onto 72nd, through Tualatin, Tigard, the FCT, and a brief stop at Uwajimaya to check out the performances. Then home.

Fitz on the Fanno Creek Trail

Fanno Creek


  1. "(Cecil - we don't have to ride on A Street ANYMORE! Evergreen parallels it all the way to 10th))."

    I know - but City Mouse that I am, I never thought A Street was bad :-)

  2. Evergreen is nicer. I'll pick the quieter street every time.
