
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Zero to Sixty (Five...)

Dairy Creek Rd.

My monthly cycling mileage has been dismal of late...

May 216 (just before starting treatment)
June 44
July 4
August 15
September 73
October 111

Less than 2 weeks, and I'm finished. Yahoo!

So you can see, it has been quite awhile (April?), since I got Rando Bike all ready to go, prepared Rando Snacks, and collected clothing and gear. Amazingly enough, I didn't forget anything.

I am co-organizing the Verboort Sausage Populaire with Susan F, and we needed to get a worker's ride in there somewhere. I'm pretty open on times, but feel much better at the end of the week and during the weekends. Susan has been really busy at work. The weather is changing. We lucked out yesterday, for sure!

This is a great ride, with excellent fall scenery. Actually the route has outstanding winter, spring and summer scenery as well :-), but the fall colors were out in force yesterday. I hope they stick around for all of you.

Met Susan at the Grand Lodge, went through the pre-ride faffing, and we were off to Longbottoms' Coffee and Tea, the first control. There is a slight route change - at the second roundabout you'll head north on Cornelius Schefflin towards Portland, rather than south, due to road construction. But, if you haven't been riding in the area, you'll be pleasantly surprised at the improved stretch of C-S. Caveat - due to the construction, the detour route is Martin-Verboort-C-S, so the traffic is a bit higher. But nice shoulders on the road; no worries.

The berry bushes on Leisy Rd are very colorful this fall.

You'll likely be hitting Longbottoms right about the time Portland Velo is departing for its Saturday Ride. We hope to have a volunteer there to sign your card; otherwise you'll be waiting awhile for a timed receipt.

Back onto Evergreen, then north and west on Sewell and Meek, north on Jackson School, heading to the first info control.

Then south on Shadybrook into North Plains, where there is the park with a water spigot and nice picnic benches, plus the market on the main road. You'll ride by both of them. Full stop at all the stop signs in North Plains - they ticket.

Then out to Mountaindale and the defunct store at the corner of Dairy Creek Rd for the out and back to the control at Fern Flat. We were chased by a large, but friendly dog right after turning onto Fern Flat. It kept trying to cross in front of us. Followed us all the way to the control, then followed me quite a ways down Dairy Creek.

Susan on Dairy Creek Rd

Enjoy the generally downhill run back to Mountaindale (yes, you were going uphill), then west, working your way over to the Hwy 26 crossing (fondly known as "Frogger Junction"). Cross carefully, but know that you will get a break in traffic. There is a refuge in the middle, which helps.

Just south of Frogger Junction*

Then west and eventually north into Banks. Just after crossing under Hwy 6 you'll see a grocery, and a Subway and other businesses. By this point (50 miles) I was completely hurting, and the grocery sold me some Ibuprofen. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Susan bought a sandwich, and I continued consumption of my Rando Snacks (PBJ on homemade Irish Oatmeal bread, homemade Fig Newtons, orange slices).

Through Banks, west on Cedar Canyon, passing by the Killin Wetlands, and your next info control.

Cross Hwy 6 and head back east to Stafford Rd, the only annoying sustained climb (.4 miles, 5-7%) of the ride. Didn't have to walk any hills today.

Looking back at the top of Stafford Rd

Obligatory "count the antlers" at Love's Barn, plus admiration of all the implements on display.

Implements by Love Barn

Farm on Kemper Rd

Then it is easy and scenic riding to the finish at Verboort. Bring money for the Famous Sausage Dinner. Mmmmmmmmmm. Sausage.

Finished at about 6:13 total time, well within the time allowed.

After a brief rest, Susan and I rode the last 3 FLAT miles back to the Grand Lodge, where we indulged in the hot tub and dinner.

Little Pink Bear looks less tired than I do

My bike computer says 2599 vertical feet, highest elevation 604 feet at the Fern Flat control.

65 miles, 11.31 avg mph for the overall ride.

and because I couldn't resist, being geeky and all...


  1. Glad you are back on the road, Lynne!

  2. Happy to see you're riding bigger again!
    I am bummed, BUMMED that I cannot do the ride! It's the day before my cross race at PIR and I KNOW I don't have a populaire AND a race in my legs the same weekend!

  3. I am also pleased to see you are really riding again. Hopefully soon you will be back to your healthy self. But before you get too strong and I won't be able to keep up with you, remember we have some nice rides in my area (with or without hills) and I am available during the week.

    I don't get the reverse polish joke. I know it has to do with HP calculators and the way you enter things. But I don't get it. Argghh - guess I am not geeky enough.
