I had planned to ride Lemond, but it was sprinkling at home, so I quickly switched over to Bleriot. And, surprise of surprises - Bleriot was not the lonesome Rivendell at the ride today. John was riding a Rambouillet, with even more accessories than Bleriot normally has:
We were an even bigger group this week - Mike (times 3), Dan, John, Meagen and Robyn. The route was Cedar Canyon backwards, which is generally flat, except for the gentle rollers on Thatcher/Kansas City, the drop on Stafford, the rollers on Cedar Canyon, and the Serious Rollers on Banks Rd. 40 miles, with the hilly bits all stuffed into 8 miles of it.
One flat about 6 miles into the ride. I found the offending bit of glass in the tire (not mine) and all was good tire-wise, from there on out.
We stuck together until the hilly bits, then started stringing out. After the hilly bits, we stopped and fed one rider who was falling back, and then proceeded on. Note: when riding anything over 20 miles or so, that big breakfast won't carry a rider through it. Supplemental food is necessary.
No rain. The hills didn't hurt as much; I even went up them less slowly than I have been riding recently. The 1% and 2% hills were much less painful. Perhaps I am getting stronger. :-)
Excellent second breakfast at Longbottom's. Love that Farm Plate, yes I do.
Stats: 40.78 miles, 12.79 avg mph.
Roadside find: 1/2" Craftsman socket. At this rate, I'll have an entire set.
A total of 190+ miles for January, which is the best month since May. And that 12.79 average was ridden on the heavy bike.
Getting better and better. And, always good to see more Rivendells on the road!