
Friday, March 5, 2010

Nice Afternoon!

There I am!

Somehow, yesterday (Thursday), I could not get my sorry butt out of bed at 4:50am to get to spin class. Possibly because there was a CHIFOO presentation the night before. Which was a great presentation, plus I got to share my good news with my fellow User Experience/Usability/Human Factors professional colleagues. Yes, there is a job for me - 11 weeks, half time, subcontracting through a company I really, really wanted to work with. :-) Starting in a week or so. Nuff said.

But it was a Really Nice Day yesterday. So much so, that after Thursday morning Fibers (of the needle, thread, sewing machine, knitting needle, spinning wheel type) group, including a nice little potluck lunch...

Lunchtime at Thursday Group

Self - you could ride up to Council Crest and back. Yes, I could. And about 20 minutes later, I was. This time I took pictures along the route, so you can see one of my favorite 15+ mile rides. Once we get back into Daylight Savings Time, it is a great after-work ride, although you'll see bicyclists on it at any time. Don't these folks have jobs? (sad commentary on the state of the local economy. but at least they are getting some good riding in.)

With no further ado:

The start:

First hill

And up to the top of the neighborhood

On the Sunset Highway MUP:

Entrance to the Sunset Hwy MUP

Pointer Rd, whacking steep

Riding on the north side of Hwy 26 now

On to Council Crest:

Which way to go?

Little Pink Bear - "whew!"

And around the Fairmount Loop:

On the Fairmount Loop

View to the east

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the gig! Hurray!

    Council Crest is good for the soul. And yet, I've NEVER ridden all the way up it. Crazy, huh? One of these days...

    Sweetie and I enjoyed a LOVELY neighborhood ride this weekend around NoPo that included gawking at all the spring flowers and a stop at Di Prima Dolci on Killingsworth. And best of all, SHE suggested it.

    Happy riding!
