
Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Monster Cookie Ride

(kind of an annual post, isn't it?)

Red Barn with irises

This year, friend Beth asked if I would do the ride with her. But of course. Riding with Beth suggests riding the Bleriot. It was set up as Rando Bike; no changes needed there, just some air in the tires.

High points:
  • Riding with Beth
  • Scoring Mexican Wedding Cake cookies at all the stops. Mmmm. Powdered sugar!
  • Meeting Cecil for lunch at Champoeg
  • Getting to say hi to many folks I don't get to see too often
  • Riding the bike (oh yeah, that) :-)
  • Wonderful Willamette Valley spring scenery - green fields, trees leafing out, farm animals
  • Dinner with Beth afterwards
  • Caving in and buying a ride t-shirt

Successful completion!

62 relaxing miles on a nice, sunny Sunday :-)

Beth's pics - down a couple rows, then it is the rest of the set

1 comment:

  1. So you caved for the tee-shirt?
    I politely suggested the ride organizers consider switching to a patch -- smaller, cheaper and easier to collect. (I have a ton of tee-shirts...)

    Although recovering from this long ride has been a bit of a challenge for me, it was absolutely LOVELY riding with you that day.
