
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scheming Away on Color Schemes

Best Framebuilder in the World tells me that the frame, fork and front rack are on their way to paint, and gently suggested that I settle on the final colors :-)

I've been saying Signal Violet, with a darker and lighter sage green sort of color for the logo, and the darker sage green for the rack.

Rummaged around the house for our extensive collection of colored pencils and crayons. You'd think a box of 96 crayons would have the right green, but no.

Color selection process #1

Then remembered that I used kuler at Adobe to pick out colors for my XHTML/CSS class this past term (for which I received a perfect grade). That worked. I pulled in the picture which was my original inspiration and went from there.

Sweetpea colors with the inspiration

So here we are. Getting closer!


  1. Very fetching color choices I'd say. Can't wait to see the finished bike!

  2. I'm popping over from Ravelry, to comment on your color choice, which is really beautiful. I've dreamed of a bike in those colors myself. Since I don't expect to ever get a custom bike, I look forward to seeing pictures of yours! I'll enjoy it vicariously!
