
Friday, December 31, 2010

Year in Review - Cycling

Just the totals :-)

Lemond: 1492 miles
Bleriot: 1575 miles
Sweetpea: 1353 miles
Grand total 4420 miles (must have missed recording something...)

So, none of the bikes can complain of neglect or favoritism.  This year, anyway.

Rides of at least 100 miles in 2010: 11

Organized rides: Monster Cookie Metric Century, RSVP, and RAPSody
OrRando brevets/populaires/permanents: 8. 1509 km worth
Disorganized rides: most of them. Best kind.

That said, there is a 200km brevet tomorrow, must get ready.

Best to you all in the new year!

1 comment:

  1. 100 miles 11 times in.2010? Wow! I'm hoping to do one century this year. Wish me luck.
