
Monday, October 17, 2011

Don't Try This At Home

A year ago, I ran my first half marathon.  I was pretty pleased to have finished, and signed up for it again this year.  Started running, took a break some time before the 400k, and finally made myself start running again, in September.  Right.  Get myself in shape for a half in less than two months.  Clearly spending too much time on the bicycle.

Girlfriend's Half Finisher necklace

Longest run since September was 8 miles; most were between 4 and 5 miles.  A total of 11 runs.  Denial works really well, it does.

Yesterday Cecil and I rode out from her house to pick up our race packets in Vancouver, WA.  We took the scenic route (well, mostly scenic; not possible to make Hayden Island or parts of Interstate Blvd scenic), including two crossings of the I-5 bridge and a stop for late lunch at Cup and Saucer in Kenton.  All told, about 35 miles.

Bonus encounter - riding into Vancouver... Cecil: "I recognize the fairings on those bents!".  Yes, indeed.  Random, unannounced ride on the east side (ok, this ride east side AND Vancouver), and yes, we run into Dave and/or Edna.  Every single time.  Went inside and visited for a bit, then went and picked up our race packets.

We know those bents!

Heading out of Vancouver, I heard a "Lynne!  Lynne!"...  Whereupon a person I had never met before introduced himself and said he recognized the bear. (!)

Me and coffee mug in Cup and Saucer

Cecil in Cup and Saucer

Great ride with Cecil.  We should do this more often.  I think we will.
 (oh, right, I was talking about a run.)

Met Cecil right at 7am at Kettleman's for pre-race bagels and coffee.  About 7:45, we thought we should go North.

Parking was a teeny bit of a challenge; we got a space 3 (or so) blocks away.  Stood around.  Dropped my bag in the bag drop.  Visiting with Laura R.  We knew other folks were running, but did not see them beforehand.  Half-heartedly participated in the pre-race warmup.  Got our iPods going (me - Box of Rain.  Cecil - Velvet Underground.  I do not think there is any intersection at all on our iPods)

13.1 miles in front of me, and face it, I had not properly trained.  All I could count on was that I had run the distance before, had done a bit of running, and had the endurance from all that cycling.  Finishing would be good.

We filtered up to the front, to get out ahead of the walkers.  Aaaaand we were off.  Cecil zipped off (she's a real jackrabbit), and I plonked along at a relatively steady pace.  Got passed by all the fast girls.  Out east along the river, through an industrial park, keep going...  I walked through the water stops (roughly every two miles) and got some water, and sucked down a gel every 30 minutes (roughly every three miles).  What?  Every three miles?  I was running right at 10:00?  I could tell when the gel kicked in.  I could also tell when it was wearing off.  Turn around and head back.  Lots of folks still heading out.

Plonk plonk plonk...  Right around mile 9, we turned right, ran up a ramp, and down into Fort Vancouver.  Well, the park that is Fort Vancouver - the fort (or a reasonably accurate reproduction) is over a bit to the east in the park.  East past Pearson Field (airport).  East out of the park/airfield, past some malls, then north (and up a bit of a hill), and....turning west for the last time.  Still keeping close to that 10 minute mile.  I don't reliably run that fast in training.

Lots of little kids all holding out their hands for high fives.  Fun for both of us.  West back into Fort Vancouver, then up another hill, past Officers' Row, across I-5.  Getting close now!

A few more blocks, crowds getting larger, then right, up one block, right again and done!

I just finished! (picture by Susan Otcenas)

Susan O was cheering from the sidelines.  Gave them back my timing chip, and went off to find Cecil and food.  Also found Susan O, Linda and Scott (Linda ran fast!  Scott cheered.), Jill and Catherine.

Jill, Catherine, Cecil and me at the finish (picture by Susan Otcenas)
Much hugging and picture taking!

And, checking my time...
bib number: 820
age: 55
gender: F
location: Portland, OR
overall place: 722 out of 1922
division place: 25 out of 86
time: 2:12:30
pace: 10:07

new personal record!

But, about that don't try this at home...  Aftermath.  More than 24 hours after, I still hurt.  Don't skimp on the training and think your awesome endurance will carry you through.  I mean, it WILL, but, at least in my case, I was writing checks my legs couldn't cash.

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