
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Errata (the cue sheet was correct)

In the previous post I alluded to what we interpreted as a cue sheet error for the Perm 1177 Eugene-Beaverton 200km .  We followed Howell Prairie Rd to its intersection with Hwy 99E, dutifully turned left and... were misplaced.

Except we weren't on Howell Prairie Rd.  It crosses Mt Angel-Gervais Road.  Despite the impression that Google Maps gives, Mt Angel-Gervais is very much the major road, and Howell Prairie looks like a slightly upgraded driveway.  The road curves to the left, and we followed right along...

See below for details.  Should have gone straight (red line).  Won't make that mistake again!

Sorry Bill...

1 comment:

  1. A bolded, parenthetical, cautionary note might still be in order for the cue sheet.
