
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in Review - Cycling

I'll come right out and say it - this has been an amazing year. Whatever made it happen, I sure hope I don't lose it.

Total miles: 5805. Almost 1400 more than last year, and highest annual mileage ever. I rode my bike 213 days this year.

Commuted about 1500 of those miles. If I don't ride to work, I face a gauntlet starting with the receptionist, all the way to my desk..."where's your bike?". I love my current contract - lots of meetings on the main campus, our building is not on the main campus, and it is quicker to ride the bike than to drive. And I can park in the buildings and never have to worry about locking up. I had a 100% commute rate in the BTA Bike Commute Challenge.

17 rides of more than 100 miles.

2 centuries

12 200km

1 300km

1 400km

1 600km

I would have to say that Sweetpea got the bulk of the riding love this year - all but a couple of the Rando rides, plus trips to Ireland and California. Bleriot got all the commutes, and poor Lemond has probably less than 300 miles ridden on it in total.

Organized rides - only two, RSVP and RAPSody. I'll probably ride them again next year, lots of fun.

Randonneurs USA riding

4524 km. Most ever.

Completed my second R-12 in September.

Earned my first-ever Super Randonneur by completing a 200k, 300k, 400k, and 600k in a calendar year. I am still stupidly pleased and insufferably proud about this.

Rode a couple of sub-10 hour 200km rides. Whoever that Lynne was, I'd like her to show up more often :-)

The hardest rides I did were:

1. Bikenfest, the Oct 200k. 11522 vertical feet. I am not sure I ever wanted to just lay down and die on any other ride I have done.

2. The 400k. I couldn't stay awake, which made riding through the night somewhat of a challenge. Did get to see two sunrises!

3. The 600k, because, well, it was a 600. Way outside of my comfort zone. I was never worried about not finishing in time on the second day. Well, ok, there were a few bad hours in there on day 1.

Learnings: I CAN pull myself out of a massive bonk. Still to learn: don't bonk in the first place.

I CAN ride >10000 vertical feet in a day. RAMROD is definitely a possibility (I am shallow. I want the jersey.)

Goals. Hmm. More 300km rides. I need to get to where I can just go out and ride one, rather like I approach a 200km ride now. Quit being terrified of 400km rides. A 1000km would be very cool.


Sweetpea, for being such a great bike (thank you Natalie)

Fitz, because I'm out riding a lot.

Cecil, Susan, Michal, and Lesli, for being such great riding buddies. Looking forward to more rides with you in the coming year!


  1. Hey. I really enjoyed joining you on many of your rando adventures this year. Time to start planning project PBP 2015!

  2. Wanting the jersey doesn't make you shallow.
    Wanting the jersey without putting in the time on the bike does.
    Trust me, you are not shallow.
    You are, however, a rockstar.
    Congrats on a banner year of riding.
    In 2012, we need to do a couple of coffee rides, ideally on your "recovery" days. Yes?
    Happy riding!

  3. Great recap of a great year! If you ever wander down here to ride our 300K (Alabama Randonneurs), Sharon and I will put you up, and I'll hang on your wheel for the ride :)

  4. Hi Lynne,
    I'm a fan of your blog and am always inspired by your ride reports and pics. Have been reading for a few years now. I ride my mountain bike in the woods and some commuting. I'd never heard of randonneuring until I ran across your blog. Thanks for the inspiration and entertainment!

    Brookings, OR

  5. I am trying to ride every day this year too. It's been easier for me to ride to work now, since I got a folding bike - don't have to look for parking either, I can store it right under my desk at the office. And it rides so well, I think I'm going to start doing longer rides on it too! Maybe 2012 will be the year of the bike for me!
