
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Coffeeneuring #1 and #2

These first two outings have been flèche-style events - we all converge on a coffee destination by a specified time :-)

Outing #1 was at Insomnia Coffee in Hillsboro.  Bill and I planned to meet up and ride over together.  Now I knew that it was the one off Cornell.  I had read that.  But my head was saying it was the one on Baseline...  Good thing Bill was along.

My coffee, cookie, and helmet

documenting Susan and Bill documenting

I had a mocha (with great latte art) and a lemon cookie.  We sat outside for two solid hours (Bill, me, Susan, and Jeff), talked, and took way too many pictures.  Bill had to get into Portland for tango, so I made my own way home.  Round trip 16.28 miles.  Bicycle: Sweetpea

Outing #2 was much closer, at Edge Coffee, on Millikan Way in Beaverton.  I woke up at 9:15 and realized I was supposed to be meeting at 10am...  Fitz was cooking blueberry pancakes, so I waited to eat them, put a pannier on the Bleriot, and zipped off.  Fitz said he'd follow shortly.

Arrived at Edge Coffee to see Jeff and Susan's bikes, a really nice (and tall) Atlantis, and a few others around the corner.  Went in to find Jeff, Susan, Bill and Michael W ("is your Bleriot snogging with my Atlantis?").  Jeff A showed up shortly thereafter, and Fitz a bit after that.  Michael W typically rides a recumbent, so I was a bit surprised to see him on the Atlantis.

And this is how you get little Rivendells

Evidence of coffeeneuring

Fitz and Jeff M - the ride-alongs

I enjoyed a latte (no art) and an almond croissant.

My almond croissant and coffee

More sitting around, documenting, listening to Michael describe the planned Spring 600, drinking, eating, and whatever that took at least two hours to accomplish.

We all went our separate ways around noon-ish; I paused at the New Seasons grocery to get more hot peppers and garlic for my Pickled Green Tomato project.

Round trip: 4.04 miles.  Bicycle: Rivendell Bleriot

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