
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Coffeeneuring #4, Pony Espresso

Pony Espresso is our favorite coffee cart (really a truck) at the Beaverton Farmers Market.  We can bet on a long line, and when we finally get to the front, a long conversation with Bruce.  He makes a great Mexi-Mocha.

Since it is getting to the end of the season, there wouldn't be much to haul back from the Farmers Market, so I rode my bike over this morning.  Jeff A planned to meet me there.

Raining lightly, and high 40's.  Got there at 9, didn't see Jeff.  Locked the bike (complicated to wheel it around).  Got in the inexplicably short line for my Mexi-Mocha, chatted with Bruce, then wandered around a bit.

Pony Espresso truck

evidence of coffeeneuring

Visited with Polly, our farmer from our CSA.  She was telling me that her friend Lynne (Susan O's CSA) was rubbing it in that this was their last week for the season.  Our CSA goes year round...  Polly sells really pretty wreaths at the Farmers Market.  If I could figure out somewhere in the house to hang one, I'd get it.  Still working on that.

Off to our Apple Guy (Mr. Haury).  Sampled the apples at the tart end of the spectrum, and bought Newton Pippens and Northern Spies.  Stopped by Fressen, our favorite bakery booth, and bought a loaf of Franconia Rye (oh, SO good) and a Nutella Croissant (every bit as amazing as it sounds). ZOMG!  Fressen has classes and workshops!  Oooh!

bread at Fressen

Wandered back by my bike, and there was Jeff!  He looked at my bike (the Rivendell Bleriot) and wondered if that was my rando bike (as in, it was a full-on rando configuration, but not the one he's seen me riding).  Well, it WAS.  Now it is the nicest utility/commuting bike ever :-)

Jeff and Lynne

We cruised the rest of the market; I was still looking for parsnips and rosemary.  I've got a lamb shoulder roast just calling for them.  Eventually found some of each, plus did lots of sampling along the way.  Then I talked him into trying a sausage from Fetzer's.  We've been buying their sausage for over 30 years, back since they had the store at the corner of SW Cedar Hills and SW Walker Rd.

Took lots of pictures of gorgeous produce.

beets and many-colored carrots

Then it was time to go - me to Freddie's to get some green olives (for the aforementioned lamb shoulder roast) and him to get back for Disney on Ice.

the haul

More pics here

4.78 miles

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