
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Revisiting Cedric Diggory

Jason Karp (Montana Randonneurs RBA) was in town, and planning to ride a couple of Kevin's permanent populaires.  Kevin was riding, he recruited Michael P-P, and invited me.  It wasn't going to rain.  I was in.

At Kevin's before 10am, just as the others were also appearing.  Including David P!  Bonus!

The temperature never got above 42 degrees, and started out and finished at 37 degrees.  I wore a lightweight long sleeve wool baselayer, a long sleeve wool jersey, my reflective vest, PI warm gloves, wool knickers, long wool socks, a thin wool beanie and shoes (with chemical toe warmers).  That was it.  I had my jacket along just in case, but didn't need it, and at the halfway point, changed to shortfinger gloves with my ragg wool gloves over them.

Little Pink Bear has a new responsibility

Had the Spot Tracker with me; the inaugural rando testing.  I'll put the link to my track here when SpotAdventures starts behaving.  For the next few days the track will be visible here.  Here is the link to my Spot Adventures.

So.  North through town, then east around Lombard and Marine Dr, past the Expo Center, wandering around to get over the I-5 bridge (getting better at it, but still a tad confusing at points), the out and back, over the bridge again, east on Marine Drive and the bikepath (oh, so pretty!), then south on the I-205 bike path, where Kevin hides all the vertical feet on this ride (note to self, eat a BIG snack somewhere on Marine Drive), then east back to the start.  Wasn't that easy?

Kevin and Jason at the turnaround (34.4 mi)

David P and Michael P-P zipped away from us in Vancouver, and were headed back as we approached the turnaround.  We did not see them again.  Kevin, Jason and I had a great ride.  Jason was amazed that 5 folks turned out for a perm - "At home, if I get 7 to show up for a brevet, I'm thrilled!"  He also enjoyed the scenery and bike paths.  Even the I-205 bike path.  I like Maywood Park, and the bits south of Division St.  That's about it.

It did commence to drizzle about 8 miles out, but not so much that I wanted my jacket.

Food - 3 slices of fruitcake, 2 bananas, 1 gel, food in the bottle (hot, with a tea bag tossed in for flavor) and water.

68.8 miles, average of 13.6.  5:52 total elapsed time.

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