
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tiny PBP

Kevin L and I were the inaugural riders of Bill A's Tiny PBP permanent populaire - Portland - Boring - Portland.

Mt Hood

We started at the Uptown Market, which is a few miles SE of my home; I rode over.  Uptown Market's clientele seems to be the home brewer, plus they've got an amazing selection of beers for sale.  Bill met us there to collect releases, hand over cards and see us off.

Coffee at the start

And off we went.  We worked our was south through Tigard, and onto a bike path I didn't know existed, paralleling I-5 south until Hwy 217 intersected it.  Crossed via two crosswalks (very heavy traffic there), then continued east on the path alongside Kruse Way.  The path has some seriously interesting root humps; be very, very careful.  Kevin: "one could get high-centered on that one!"

Through Lake Oswego, popping out for a short bit on Stafford, then east on Johnson and Blankenship, which were scenic and quiet (nice view of Pete's Mtn to the south), eventually dropping us in West Linn, the first control.

The control was specifically at the Willamette General Store and Market, which really does sell EVERYTHING.

First Control

Thus refreshed, we headed east to the relatively newly reopened historic bridge into Oregon City.  It was closed for a couple of years, and has been refurbished, and is complete with sharrows.

Willamette Falls

Mt Hood and the Oregon City elevator

Out of Oregon City, working our way over relatively familiar roads in the other direction ("I don't remember these hills!")  Maybe Redland Rd was new to me, 5.1 miles of, um, rolling and scenic terrain.

Mt Hood, framed by powerlines

Clackamas River bridge by Barton

Mt Hood

The next control was in Boring; we elected to stop at the Green Food Mart, which is directly across the road from our next turn.  While we were up on time, there was a lot of climbing to get here.

Green Food Market in Boring

Immediately after that, we crossed over and got onto the Springwater Corridor Trail.  The non-paved portion.  Fortunately for me, it more resembled "dirt" than "gravel", and we had a great time.  I could see that after a period of intense wet, it could be a sucking mudpit, but not so today.  Lots of walkers out on the trail, and indeed, as we transferred to the paved portion, many more cyclists and pedestrians, because it was a nice day!

Kevin on the Springwater Trail

Dirt Panda

Busy day on the trail

Crossed the Willamette on the Sellwood Bridge, taking the lane.  This was cool, because they had just slid the entire bridge north to make a place to build the new and improved bridge.  Getting across the road to enter the cemetery was easy, loop off to the right under the bridge, and cross at the light.

Evidence of Participation

Riding up through the cemetery is fun, but it does get steep at times!

Kevin climbing up through the cemetery

THAT'S gonna hurt

Daffodils and Mt Hood

Downhill, and turning onto Spring Garden, which is sooper seekuret  route under I-5.  Seemed to have rather more uphill on a bike.  I've only ever driven it; the son's trumpet  instructor lived in the neighborhood.  The turn onto Multnomah seemed a little sketchy; exercise caution.  Kevin elected to ride the sidewalk on the left side of the road until he felt he could safely get over.

Then we were in Multnomah, and it was all downhill to the end.  A bit of riding on the Fanno Creek trail, and we were done.  The Uptown Market was definitely hopping by now.  I got a soda, and we sat down outside in the sun and finished up the paperwork.

Kevin completes the post-ride paperwork

Easy ride home.
67.5 miles in all, 11.6 avg mph

All the pics here

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