
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Riding for Time

Coach said: "ride 100km for time.  And keep your stops under 8 min".  Now, I am a champion time waster at stops.

I figured the West County 100km would be a good route.

Sunny day.  Variable, flag-sticking-out-straight wind.  Mostly WSW, so I was looking forward to some tailwind for the last 20 miles. (note: not so much)

all 3 stops under 8 min. (2 controls, 1 peel off extra clothes and flush stop)

food: Allen Lim's rice cakes - two of the egg-bacon-brown sugar-soy sauce variety and two of the coconut milk-sugar-chocolate chips-blueberry variety.

About 40-50 oz of liquids, including a bottle of V-8 at Gaston.

Chocolate milk at the end.

Bike computer claims 2421'

Officially 4:47 elapsed.  Avg riding pace 15.18mph (wow.  On Sweetpea.) avg cadence 84.  Avg HR 157.

Best ever on that route by almost 20 min.

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