
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cross Training

We had a bit of snow here.  For those of you who live where snow is expected, feel free to snicker.  Only the main roads are plowed or sanded or graveled.  Driving in a neighborhood is... challenging.  Where I live, all ways out of the neighborhood are down.

I was not interested in riding the bike - I no longer have a mountain bike, and the last time I tried to ride in snow, the fenders packed up with snow.  Traction was also nonexistent.

Running (yes, I run.  Or, I have been a runner and am working my way back into it).  No.

The snow was pretty nice, and there was certainly enough of it.  Then I remembered my parents had cross country skis.  And snowshoes.  My mom said the skis were in the cellar "somewhere", and they'd dig them up for me by the time I had hiked the two blocks over.  I figured I was "running" in the cold and dressed accordingly - three layers of wool on top with my Nike Storm vest over that, a ski cap, my Pearl Izumi AmFib cycling tights, heavy wool cycling socks, and wool gloves.

Not only that, my mom thought she'd snowshoe along.  Geared up (me staring at the skis and wondering if this was perhaps not the best idea I'd had), we proceeded over to the elementary school, and skied and tromped around the field.  I'd head out and then turn around and come back.

What did I just sign up to do here?
After a circumnavigation of the field, my mom thought that the wind was spectacularly strong, cold, and stinging ice, and she decided to head back home.

Mom considering her options
I thought I'd head out onto the streets to get in some more time and distance.  Headed out of the school, I saw another skier headed up the street.   As he got closer, I saw that it was friend and sometime cycling partner Chris.  We decided to continue on together.

He's a lot better at this, because he actually goes XC skiing.  This was my second time on XC skis ever; the first being a 6 mile outing by Mt Bachelor, mmm, decades ago.  I'd concentrate and move along reasonably well - we stuck to the flatter areas - and then lose the concentration and have a bit of a challenge :-)  Fell over once; very slow motion.

It was great catching up.  We both became grandparents this year, so there was that.  Still trying to get him to try randonneuring.  He was out playing while waiting for his bottles to sterilize so he could bottle his most recent brewing attempt.  He does brew good beer.

Me.  Picture by Chris
After an hour of wandering the neighborhood, it was time to head back to our respective homes.  I had to go by the parents' home (Axel Ski Rental and Party Supply) and return the skis and retrieve my boots.  I headed back through the school, and then the last bit to their house. Downhill.  Ack.  Edges.  I need my edges.  Managed to stop before causing any damage.

It was easier skiing than walking home.  The snow was starting to get an icy crust.

Aftermath - my core informed me that it had ALSO gotten a serious workout :-)

Snow was gone enough today that I could run.  It even felt good - I wasn't spending the 2:30 running parts wondering when the 2:30 would be over, and I had to tack on an extra loop, because I was farther along for the time than before.  Progress.

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