
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Errandonnee, Errands 1-3

The list today included recycle batteries, go by the library, and, oh, maybe I want a T20 bit to carry in my on-bike toolkit...

Total distance 5.6 miles.
The route
Sweetpea has a new seatpost and the saddle has been rearranged yet again, so that was the logical bike for the errands.  All the luggage was off, so I put my two library books and the bucket of batteries in a small pack and headed out.  Weather was perfect.  Other than my helmet, gloves and cycling shoes, I was wearing street clothes - jeans and a hoodie commemorating the Sunset High School 15th Annual Marching Band Classic.  As an aside, my band member is going to his 10th HS reunion this year. :-O

Home to Batteries Plus Bulbs
Ended up riding three blocks westbound on SW Canyon.  Not recommended, but I managed the stretch between traffic lights.
Bicycle goes in the store.
Up to 5 lbs of batteries are recycled for free.  I had 4.5 lbs.

Errandonnèe trip 1 - batteries to recycle

Errandonnèe trip 1 - Batteries Plus Bulbs

Batteries Plus Bulbs to Beaverton Library
East on Millikan, cross-country to Lombard, then the standard route.
No bicycles allowed in the library; had to lock it up outside.
Picked up The Sons of Heaven, the final Company novel from Kage Baker.  I am sad it is the last one.
The Beaverton Library was designed by Thomas Hacker Architects, and has wonderful wood beams.

Errandonnèe trip 1 - Beaverton Library Interior

Errandonnèe trip 1 - Beaverton Library

Beaverton Library to Home Depot
There just isn't a low-stress direct route.  I could have gone back up to Beaverton Hillsdale, but that would have been a left turn across a very high traffic 4 lane highway at 5pm.  I elected to go east on SW 5th, then turn left into the office park across from SW 107th, turn left onto Beaverton Hillsdale at the light, and then right onto SW 110th to Home Depot.
The bike goes in with me there as well.
I knew the Torx T20 bits were on Aisle 8 Bay 102 and in stock (the interwebs are great).  Took a bit of hunting among all the various bits, but found them.  The T20 bit will fit in my Rachet Rocket, and in the Rachet Rocket case, displacing the unneeded T25 bit.  The T20 bit adjusts the Luxos U light angle.
The cashier wanted to know all about Sweetpea; we had a wonderful visit.

Errandonnèe trip 1 - Home Depot

Home Depot - Sweetpea among the bits and drivers

Home Depot to Home
EZ.  Except that I am still feeling Sunday's ride, and the uphills were definitely noticed.

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