
Monday, June 2, 2014

Well, I Got to the Border

And took some nice pictures along the way.

The plan was to ride the SIR Run for the Border 400k.  Short version - had food, ate/drank every 15 minutes, and by the time we arrived at Dan Turner's house (control, mile 145), there I was, bonking or something.  Took 45 minutes to eat a wrap and chips.  Stomach didn't improve.  Head went to all the wrong places.  Abandoned in Sedro Woolley at mile 175.

And it started out so well :-(

Stepping back from the long ones until I can figure this out.  I have been successful on rides when I was using EFS/Carbo Pro.  Maybe Perpetuem isn't for me.  I didn't drink any V8 on this ride.  Maybe I should have.  For those thinking that I poisoned myself with a Red Bull - none of that on this ride either.

But I did take pictures.


on the flats

canola or mustard field

Edison (Peg ahead)

Samish Bay (ride by shooting on Chuckanut Drive)

headed toward the border

Canadian Border

Dairy farm, north of Lynden

Smiling barn

Narayan at the control at Dan Turner's

1 comment:

  1. That's a bummer about the bonk. Good luck in figuring it out, I am hopeful that you will!
