
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Faintly Damp

Susan and I were going to ride the North Plains Banks Vernonia perm pop, and it was supposed to be "drizzly".  Maybe.  Given that I have been caught out in some downpours on "drizzly" days, all the raingear was packed on the bike.  I was, however, giving the "layers of wool" technique a go, so had on three wool shirts, a thermal vest and the neon vest, a couple layers of wool gloves, and long socks under the wool knickers.


We met up at the gas station minimart, did the start rituals, and headed out.  Definitely warmer than the Jan 1 expedition, and, yes, it was a bit drizzly, but at least for the time being, not transitioning into "rain".

The trail was unpopulated, but for us, and we made it to Vernonia in good time.  The fallen tree had been removed.  We elected for an expedient stop at the minimart in town, and headed back out.  There were a few periods of "rain", but not enough to pull out the rain gear.  We discussed adding layers at the summit, but never did get around to it.

More trail users on the return; campers from Stub Stewart heading into Vernonia, horseback riders, some family groups.  The drizzle had given it up, and, for a moment there, we might have had "sun".

Once we got off the trail, I got a few pictures of Susan and the berry fields.


Berry bushes

Given a facebook exchange earlier this week, there was a little singing:

"We represent the Muffin-Top Guild,
The Muffin-Top Guild,
The Muffin-Top Guild
And in the name of the Muffin-Top Guild,
We wish to welcome you to RandoLand.
We welcome you to RandoLand, Tra la la la la la la"

We did the official finish at the minimart, and then adjourned to the local coffee shop/diner.  I got there first, and was greeted by the owner (Ray likes to start/finish there, as do I), and got the breakfast menu.  Susan walked in, and I said she'd have the breakfast menu as well.  Mmmm.  Breakfast is good any time of the day.

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