
Sunday, February 8, 2015

While It Isn't Raining

Right now, we are getting a lot of rain.  A rider rode one of my perm pops yesterday, and he got caught in some of the flooding, but made it back ok, without too many detours.  He'll send his card along as soon as the receipts dry out.

I was checking the weather earlier in the week, because if I wanted to preserve my first-ever P-12 streak, that perm pop would have to happen this week.  Wednesday looked good.  North Plains-Banks-Vernonia (the "Get 'R Dunn" of Oregon) called, and Ray even thought he'd join me, if we started at 7:30. Oh.  Ok.

One of the offspring had borrowed my car.  I went to load it up Wednesday am, only to find it full of moving supplies.  Sigh. So, I was a teeny bit late, and felt badly about that.

A quick coffee and breakfast burritos (one consumed, one for later), and we headed out.  Clouds were low.

Hills and fog

on the trail

At the turnaround info control in Vernonia, we discussed options, and decided to head straight back.  We both had plenty of food and liquids; no need to stop, and Ray had to get ready for work.

Vernonia Lake

Ray on the return

Between the Buxton and Manning trailheads on the return, we found Romulus and Remus snoozing by the trail.  We stopped and I took a picture.

Romulus and Remus working hard

waiting at the trailhead

Row markers

North Plains now has a bike repair stand in the park at the west end of town.

Ray models the repair station in North Plains

Finished up at the cafe.  The usual cook wasn't there, but "Tiny" did sign our cards, and shook our hands because that 63 miles impressed the heck out of him.

After a cup of coffee, Ray headed out.  I visited with Mrs. Tiny and admired her knitting.

I had rescheduled my trainer session at the gym from Wednesday to Thursday.  Trainer Kenny: "What happened Wednesday?  I see you changed your session."  Me: "good weather".

All the pics here.

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