#12: Carrying a spinning wheel, 2.74 mi, "You carried WHAT?"
Fellow Participant Tess and I had been running errands all around Beaverton, on the same days, and going to many of the same places, but not at the same time. We hadn't met before, and decided to put an end to "ships passing in the night." Tess also knits, so we decided to meet up at Jim and Patty's Coffee and knit. And/or spin.
What? I could have taken my drop spindle. That was easy. Small, lightweight. Easy to carry. No. I brought a spinning wheel.
Hoped it would fit in my pannier, but it was a bit too big. I have two wheels, one which LOOKS like a spinning wheel:

And a travel wheel, which is smaller and considerably more portable. Still a bit bulky for a bike, but with enough bungees, it attached securely to the porteur rack on my Rivendell Bleriot:

Arrived, ordered a mocha with orange syup ("oh, you want a Borgia!" "Is that what it is called?"), and a Florida Orange Roll. Reassembled the wheel. (Learning: Borgia Mocha)

Shortly thereafter, Tess rode up. I have to say, this was the Best Errandonnee Ever. She's a non-practicing engineer. She knits. She teaches knitting. We know people in common in a couple of circles. This was GREAT!

After a few hours of this, we both needed to move on to the balance of our day. Packed it up again, and rode home.

I agree. Spinning wheel wins.
ReplyDeleteI like how the Errandonnée brings people together like this.