I rounded up Chris for an easy 20 miles looping outside of Hillsboro, and we found several clover fields. We had to stop and take pictures of each one :-)

Then, a few days later, Asta and I rode the North Plains-Banks-Vernonia 100k. We started right at our planned 10am start time, despite Asta misplacing her chain, and having to ride over to the bike shop to be there when they opened at 8am, and installing the chain ON THE MAX TRAIN on her way over.
Our planned start location was CLOSED, because it was Monday, so we scooted over to the gas station c-store for start rituals.

When we got to Banks, her chain had been making A Noise. Hmm. She rethreaded it, and it got much quieter :-)

Then, while climbing up Tophill, my chain broke (!) Turned out to be the master link. I guess I had opened and closed it a few times too many. Of course, I had a spare, and 5 minutes later we were on our way.

After all this, we definitely needed a lunch stop at the Black Bear. Sandwiches are big; we split one.

Returning again to Banks, we then proceeded to pass by the same clover fields, and stopped for a photo session.

We finished it off in good time.

And I completed my first P-12!
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