North Plains - Carlton
With Ray and Steve. Nice day, and tasty pause at the Carlton Bakery.
I threw my chain on the return climbing Yamhill Rd - the cassette, not the front chainring.
Upshot of that is afterward, I decided to adjust my derailleurs (front was rubbing when in the lowest gear), just like Tori taught me. It worked! Success!
North Plains Banks Vernonia
With Ray. On the Sweetpea. No chain throwing, no chain rubbing. Definite success.
Lots of pine needles on the trail, probably due to our very hot, dry summer.
The trail from Anderson Park to Vernonia Lake (the mill pond) is currently closed. There are two detours - the road, or "my secret way", said Ray. Of course there was gravel :-) And encroaching shrubbery. :-)
We got to the control, and decided that for proper distance, we'd still need to circumnavigate the lake, in the opposite direction.
The way back was gravel AND uphill. Excellent. Called for extra toppings on the heated cinnamon roll.
We did get some rain headed out of Vernonia, but it cleared off after 10 minutes or so.
Ray was wondering if RUSA had an award for riding a route 100 times. He's getting close on this one. I am a distant second.
At Ray's request, stopped for a picture of the soft, cuddly cows.
Ray spent some time on Harrington and Dersham roads drafting a big piece of farm machinery. He said it was no work at all, he was just being sucked along. My loss.
Finish bonus - ran into a former coworker (and co-inventor), who I'd not seen for probably over 20 years. Much catching up!
Hello Lynne, I can't find your email address, please send me message to shotgym@gmailcom. I have some questions to you.
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