
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Susan's K-Hound Ride

Susan was coming up on her K-Hound, and rounded up a bunch of folks to join her.  The route was North Plains Banks-Vernonia Trail, and there was a great turnout.

Michal and I planned to coffeeneur in North Plains before the ride, so we parked near the start, and, as we were getting ready to ride the 2.5 blocks to our destination the long way around, Corey and Stefanie showed up.  We told them where we were headed, and set out.  2+ miles later, we arrived at Hits the Spot, and enjoyed some coffee with them, as they ate breakfast.

First, Lynne and Michal had to coffeeneur

Back to the McDonalds, where we picked up our cards, and all headed out.  The group spread out as we got further along.

Bikes lined up at the start

Bright spots on Vadis Rd

On the trail

The trestle

When Michal and I arrived in Vernonia, we found one of the riders hoping someone would come along who knew the construction detour.  That would be me :-), and we took the "path to Hwy 47 and up the hill" route, as I didn't remember all the details of the Adventure Route.

Lake Vernonia, lowest I have seen it

Info control managed, and picture taken, we adjourned to the Black Bear, where everyone else was already into coffee.  I inquired at the counter about what the kitchen timeline was (long), so ordered my usual cinnamon roll, heated, with butter on top, and some coffee.


Started back a bit ahead of the crowd, but they all passed me before the summit.

Michal,  headed back to Banks

We were meeting up at the church in Roy for the official 10,000th kilometer celebration.

Pictures were taken.  Gang signs were thrown.

In which Susan achieves her K-Hound, and learns the secret handshake

We then finished up and celebrated some more.

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