Date: October 30
Destination: Lionheart Coffee, Beaverton, OR
Beverage: Mocha
Bike Friendliness: wave rack, but I didn't use it
Bicycle: Rivendell Bleriot
Total mileage: 10.85 miles
Another new coffee shop for me. I also needed some more knitting needles (I know, you look at my stash of needles and wonder how I could need more...), and there was a yarn shop close by, plus the library had a book for me. The weather was grey, and drizzly.
The most expedient way south to the main part of the Fanno Creek Trail is through the Fred Meyer. I didn't really want to go through the Freddie's parking lot on a Sunday afternoon, so I headed south on 106th (past the alpacas), crossed Canyon on to 107th, thence to SW 5th, and turned right to pick up the route through the neighborhoods to the terminus of the trail on Denney Rd.
I was hoping there would be good fall color on the trail, but as it is all native vegetation, that isn't as flamboyant as the imports.

It had been raining, and Fanno Creek was starting to fill up. The trail does flood, but fortunately, I wasn't riding through any of the known flood spots. There was this one:

I hadn't been to this yarn store, and was pleased to see they had an excellent selection of knitting needles, and exactly the ones I needed. If I'd had more time, there would have been some browsing, and possibly some more yarn acquisition, so it was a good thing there wasn't more time.

From there, I rode west a block to Lionheart Coffee. Like most coffee shops in the burbs, it is also in a strip mall, but a strip mall with direct access to the Fanno Creek Trail, and a wave rack. Not that I used the rack; I am getting tired of going through the whole "lock up the bike" ritual, so I helmet locked it, and bungied it to a chair right outside where I could keep an eye on it.
Super nice staff; I ordered a mocha, and sat down to work on my knitting project, knitting from a way too long circular needle onto my new 12" circular needle.

One of the staff inquired about my fenders - he needs some, and really liked mine. Honjos, making friends everywhere.

After finishing the mocha, I returned north, on to the Beaverton Library. Sadly, I did have to lock my bike there; the missionaries who lurk outside (and watch my bike) were not there this day in the rain.

After getting my book, I came out to find a guy working on a bike on the repair stand. I asked if he needed anything. After a bit of conversation, he asked if I had any misdemeanors. Nope, fresh out. By this point, I figured his grasp on reality was a bit tenuous.
From here I returned home, to the best fall foliage on the route:

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