Options were a band loom with two foot treadles (nice, but $$$), a tiny little table loom with two treadles (also nice, but $$), an inkle loom (just no), a kiddie rigid heddle loom (findable on eBay, or new, $), or a backstrap setup.
Also, to do pickup (patterns), there would want to be a different type of heddle, and a nice, but not required shuttle.
So I got myself a Harrisville Easy Weaver rigid heddle loom, via eBay. The original owner had woven 5 picks and given it up (!) Given that the warp was by now moth-eaten, I threw it away. This loom will be useful for 10" rigid heddle weaving, card weaving, should I want to try that, and band weaving. Plus, grandchilden can play with it.

Not yet having received the Sunna heddle from Sweden, I wound a warp for a plain band out of expendable yarn, and practiced with that. I should get the plain weaving better under control before I branch into patterns.

The stick shuttle that came with the loom works fine for plain weave.

So, less than 24 hours later, I had a 44" band. It might want to be a belt.
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