Two errands today.
#4 Weaving class at Multnomah Arts Center. I'll file this one under work/school commute :-). It wasn't going to rain until 4pm today, so I got to ride. Yes, I could ride when it is raining, but I'd have to bring a change of clothes, as I truly hate hanging out in wet clothing.
So, today's plan was to wind the warp for my next project - Overshot Dish Towels. Last week I took my 3.7 lb cone of 10/2 Georgia cotton in to use for the warp; today I wound a 530 end (thread) warp.
The warp is draped over the loom. 40" weaving width, 8 shaft loom. Could be fun.
#5 Knitting Group, filed under, oh, I'll figure it out later. Ate my sack lunch at the conclusion of Weaving Class, then proceeded over to Karen's house, where I knitted with a group of like-minded folk. This group has been meeting for years.
And then home. I could have gone by the library, as a book is waiting, but I didn't want to have to lock my bike up again, plus there was too much stuff on the bike to leave it unattended, even if it was locked up.
13.7 miles.
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