
Sunday, October 12, 2008


Success. But it was not the easiest perm I've done. The R-12 streak is still going (up to 10).

Cecil was plotting possible rides and dates before we even left Bingen. Friends like that should be treasured!

We picked Two Ferries, as it was one we had not done yet.

Start in Newberg; you can follow the route at the link above.

High points:

  • chilly start, but we were prepared. I myself was over-prepared, after last weekend!

Cecil at the start

  • Middleton Road is fresh gravel.
  • Getting to West Linn was perhaps more challenging than anticipated
  • Turner Road is a climb. Pretty, but a climb along the flanks of Pete's Mountain, nevertheless
  • Saw the following Portland Velo members going the other way from the Canby Ferry, riding the Harvest Century: Brent, Dan, Milt, John O. Saw Sal O, too (he's OrRando, not PV)

Canby Ferry headed our way, across the Willamette

Cecil on the Canby Ferry

  • Lots of pretty fields, alpacas, sheep, cows, and all well-behaved dogs.

dahlia farm in Canby

  • It got sufficiently warm leaving Canby that we did a major clothing adjustment
  • Saw a barred owl in Champoeg

Barred owl in Champoeg State Park

  • Produced my first aid kit for a little girl who fell down and went boom. Her parents were happy about that; saved their family bike ride in Champoeg
  • Picked up Don at his house; he would ride with us for about 50 miles
  • Two Ferries - Canby Ferry once, Wheatland Ferry twice!

Don riding his bike on the ferry

  • Doaks Ferry Road in Salem is whacking steep. It is a mystery to me how I managed to climb it on the fleche without stopping. I had to stop a few times today
  • Crossing Hwy 22 to get to Hwy 51 to Independence is MUCH easier in the middle of the night
  • Independence looks nice in the daylight
  • We got a tailwind turning onto River Rd. Wow. A SOUTH WIND in the valley! We needed that!
  • Don't lose sight of Cecil in Salem. She knows how to get through it
  • North of Salem - nice and peaceful
  • Webfoot Road rolls, but it is easy
  • The winery had the most amazing fake scarecrows - they emitted raptor noises, alarm noises, and fake gunshot noises
  • I can now do Dayton in my sleep
  • Hwy 18/99W in the dark is...interesting
  • The clerk at the Thriftway in Newberg: you aren't riding in the DARK are you? (yes we are, we have amazing lights, but we are DONE now. Where's the Diet Pepsi?)
All the pics are here

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures, thanks for the detailed report. Camera go Click!
