
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Waxing Nostalgic...

I got a flyer in the mail today for the University of Houston Beauty Bowl reunion. I'm not going, but it sure brought back memories. I played football for the Quad Squad. I was a fullback.

Of course, I had to haul out my yearbook, show husband and son the pictures (studied disbelief), explain the OB Gangbangers (I myself associated with the Bush Whackers), and dig out the archival tshirts...

Back in the day...

Yes that is a UH women's varsity swim team shirt. And yes, it is mine. I still swim like a fish, just not a fast fish.

First Organized Bike Ride

I was completely a transportational cyclist in those days, but did get out for one organized ride. Note the start time. No lights. No helmets, either.


  1. "60 angry women coached by a dozen irresponsible degenerates looking for a cheap thrill.”

    Sounds like a good time . . .

  2. Fullback. Yeah. Un-huh. That explains a lot about you, Lynne!

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