
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Almost 200km

Wondered if Cecil wanted to ride somewhere this weekend (this is a totally dumb question, but has to be asked).

She did, and had this route in mind. Just over 4 miles from my house, maybe a bit further from hers.

There was some conversation about "if it is going to rain, maybe not". Possibly understandable, given last weekend. The forecast settled on 60% chance of showers. We were riding anyway.

However, this time we were PREPARED for it to be raining. Rando bikes (fenders, lighting, luggage with extra clothing in it...), proper rain jackets, and, in Cecil's case, rain pants and enveloping booties. Wool jerseys. Extra gloves.

And it was raining when I got up. Drizzling, when I left the house at 7:20am for our planned 8am meetup. (Uphill all the way). Or, as Cecil said "whatever we are wearing is probably wrong". At least it wasn't cold.

Route Elevations

Start: Multnomah County, corner of SW Fairview and SW Barnes to Forest Grove
  • a fun westbound romp along Skyline. Skyline is ALWAYS fun.
  • In Washington County
  • descended Old Cornelius Pass to Phillips, then across the flats to North Plains
  • stopped at the Lavender Farm to admire their garden bench

Demonstrating bench usage

Oooh!  Blue sky!

Lupines just outside Verboort

  • Pulled my jacket off WHILE RIDING on SW Porter Rd. Cecil was impressed. I told her the true test would be if I could put it away in my front bag (zipper closing) while continuing to ride.
  • No stopping of consequence in Forest Grove (a first)
  • This was the end of the rain, but for a couple of inconsequential bits of very light drizzle.

Forest Grove to Vernonia
  • quartering tailwind

Heading to Timber

The Timber Climb after the grade slacks off a bit

  • no snow on Timber summit.
  • warm on Timber summit Cecil: "you know, a little refreshing drizzle would be nice about here"
  • drizzle on Timber descent (Cecil!)
  • exiting Timber, passed about a half mile of houses, all with barking Australian Shepherd dogs. Must have been in the deed restrictions
  • entered Columbia Country around here somewhere
  • descending to Hwy 26, found myself matching Cecil's line and speed on the curves. Yes, boys and girls, Lynne descended curves at 28mph. Cecil: "wasn't that FUN?!" Aberration, to say the least.
  • EZ crossing of Hwy 26. Must have been in between waves of traffic
  • 11 miles to Vernonia - Cecil: "not my favorite stretch" me: "yes, longest 11 miles ever"
  • Rear flat while entering Anderson Park. If one is getting a flat tire, this is the place to do it. (Randos - site of the Birkie 200 Vernonia control). Picnic tables, covered area, running water (to wash dirty hands). Nice gash, booted it with USPS tyvek material. Didn't make me ride like Lance, darn.

Vernonia to Scappoose
  • Dave E found us heading out of Vernonia as he was heading in (this was apparently planned)

Cecil and Dave heading out of Vernonia

  • The climb started out easy, but it didn't stay that way. I plugged along, falling to the rear.
  • Summit: Cecil: "This is a really fun descent". And it was once we got past the suboptimal pavement bits at the top.
  • The Hubcap House. Didn't see the one I needed for my minivan.

Scappoose to McNamee Rd
  • Dave E heads west to his house, we go east
  • Dirty shoulder on Hwy 30 through Scappoose
  • Many red lights
  • Shades of STP :-)

Bombing along Hwy 30

  • Tailwind
  • Multnomah County

McNamee to Skyline
  • Cecil turned off on McNamee. I had been lobbying for it instead of Newberry - twice as long, not as steep. I didn't think she'd GO for it. It is still a 900+ foot climb over 4 miles.
  • McNamee killed us.
  • Nice gentleman in his yard filled up Cecil's empty water bottle, we had a nice visit
  • McNamee killed us.
  • Stopped at an open area with a vista and a collection of big sittable rocks for a snack... "at least the view is OUR side of the hill"
  • McNamee killed us.
  • Skyline, finally.

Skyline to Thompson
  • Cecil: "you mind if I turn off on Thompson, and go home that way?" Me: "no"
  • (Up down) repeat many many times. More fun when one is going west and is fresh, like, say, in the morning
  • Said goodbye to Cecil, recommended she turn on her Spidey Sense. Thompson is a great descent, but one's attention should not wander.
  • Wandering in and out of Multnomah and Washington counties

Thompson to Burnside/Skyline
  • (Up down) repeat
  • REALLY up.
  • Called spouse ("between Cornell and Burnside, home soon")
  • Finally at the top, then down to Burnside
  • Right onto Skyline again

Burnside/Skyline to home
  • UP to Skyline/Fairview (Cecil wasn't kidding, but it wasn't as bad as the climb to Burnside)
  • Washington County
  • Down to Hwy 26, west on the MUP.
  • Off the MUP, downhill to home. 7:01pm

Brilliant husband had a steak defrosting.
Cecil and I exchanged "home safe!"

What went well
  • clothing, bicycle and accessories more than sufficient for the conditions
  • I ate enough (3 Rye-Molasses muffins, each with a generous pat of real butter, 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 bananas, 2 bars, some of Cecil's Inca corn)
121.64 miles, 12mph avg, 6792 vertical feet, steepest grade 14%
Which finishes May with 457.29 miles, 16 more than April :-)


  1. cool! You are increasing miles each month........while I'm decreasing miles. :-( Maybe YOU should be riding Race Across Oregon and Furnace Creek 508 this year instead of me!

  2. only 457 miles? that doesn't seem correct. are you still not counting your commuting miles?

  3. Both of you must be commended for an epic ride! Just to decide "hey what to ride" and then tune in 125miles and nearly 7k vertical!! Lynn, i love to read your descriptions and view the photographs. thanks!
