
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Portland Rivendell Ride

Beth organized a Riv ride for this past Sunday. I reinstalled the front rack and canvas front bag, after all, the ride called for Full Formal Dress, for the bike anyway.

Awoke to...rain... Copious amounts of...rain...

Oooh, GREAT day to ride.

I was riding to the start, about 12 miles, with a big hill and downtown Portland in the middle. Google maps (bicycle directions) helped out, except I modified the route to use Cecil's preferred stretch up and down the east side of the hill - Fairview Dr. She said it was nicer than Washington Park, so I thought I'd check it out.

Raining less as I started out, then heavier as I headed up to Sylvan and up further to Fairview. I must say, descending Fairview in a downpour is...interesting. The importance of working brake pads cannot be overestimated. Down Stearns Way, through NW PDX to the Broadway Bridge, then north. I missed an obscure turn somewhere off Mississippi, but after realizing I was lost, asking directions got me where I was going (Peninsula Park Rose Garden).

Beth was there, of course. And eventually, another rider showed up (Cal from North Bend). Ritualistic admiring and photographing of bicycles ensued - actually Beth and I admired Cal's Saluki with the Sackville seat bag and Pacenti Pari-Moto tires (Beth was outnumbered by 650B bicycles, 2 to 1 :-) ) and Cal admired our bikes. Beth and I see each other's bikes all the time.


Bleriot among the roses and fountain

Cal's Saluki

The rain had turned to a gentle drizzle by this time. No other riders (!), so off we went. I can't say much about where exactly, but all around N and NE Portland, then into SE Portland, admiring the blooming roses and other flora. Spring in Portland is really, really pretty, and made possible by all that rain. We also admired the houses and the one with the cool little birdhouses on each fencepost. There was a short non-paved portion or two, not that we cared.

Ended up at Palio, in Ladd's Addition, but it was full, so we adjourned to the Lucky Lab, a couple blocks away. Lots of room to sit there. Tasty bento and hot chocolate for me. Just chicken on the bento. I wanted veggies, but "they take 20 minutes to cook". Not exactly sure what they are doing that they take THAT LONG to cook, but I passed.

Cal, eating lunch post-ride

We all then went our separate ways - Cal and Beth back to locations in North Portland, me across the Hawthorne Bridge, up Jefferson, up Fairview, and then down, all the way home. My feet were sopping wet, but the rest of me was fine. Should have changed socks at the Lucky Lab. Oh well.

It really quit raining as I was starting the climb back up Fairview, and I was getting very warm. Fortunately, the Carradice Barley can carry all the discarded outerwear.

Last climb, I was getting kind of warm

Here's to the next Riv Ride in Portland, with perhaps larger attendance. 33+ miles, of which approximately 24 was riding to and from.

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