Speaking of the flèche, the Duck Flying North team would be passing through Forest Grove about breakfast time on Saturday. And I had gotten inspired by Heidi Swift's 10,000 foot day (inspired. not that crazy. I'm not riding the TdF route this summer.) After a little quality time with ridewithgps.com, I planned to meet the boys at Maggie's Buns, then go off and climb some hills. Skyline Boulevard, which does some pretty nice elevation changes all by itself, also has many roads that climb up to it from both the north and the south. I planned to wander up and down some of the south side climbs.
Woke up at 4am (not intentionally), so I checked on the Ducks' progress. They had passed through Salem. Doing the math, I planned to be where they'd be by 8am. 17+ miles west of home, by the most expedient route - Baseline-TV Highway. Not one I'd pick for later in the day, but ok for that early. 6:45am, after a quick matzo brei breakfast (the Passover equivalent of French Toast; I eat it for 8 days straight. Yum.), I was on my way. A bit stressed that I'd miss them, so I pushed it. Close to freezing, but sunny.
8:05am, there I was. No bicycles scattered around outside. I was parking my bike, when I realized that I recognized the van parked right there on the street. Went in, found Cyndi, ordered breakfast (eggs and veg; figured someone would be happy to eat the toast), and settled down for a nice 45 minute visit.
Then the team rolled in. They looked a little out of it, having ridden through the night. Food ordered, coffee consumed, cards signed, some even tried to take a little nap...
And off they went, and off I went, to find those promised hills. Riding north on Porter Rd, I saw many, many Portland Velo pace groups out... hi Lynne!, hi Lynne!... Recognized Tom D and a few others (you all look alike in helmets and club kit, sorry). Stopped in North Plains, bought some juice and a candy bar. While consuming the juice, who should ride through but Maria and Nick with a couple other friends. They were headed for Vernonia.
Finally, at 33 miles, I started climbing. First climb was Mason Hill-Solberger-Moreland, 7 miles. After awhile, one starts wondering where the top is! Then a fun drop down NW Skyline-Johnson-Logie Trail, and along Helvetia and Philips Rd.
Started the second climb there, Old Cornelius Pass-Rock Creek-Eliot, 5.7 miles. At the very top, I came upon a group of cyclists. The captain on the tandem was Steve R, a friend of both Cecil and Andrew. We caught up, reviewed our planned routes. His comment on mine: "that will keep you out of trouble". Yeah.
By now, getting tired. I was NOT going to skip the next climb, Old Germantown, but did decide that rather than drop down Springville and ride back up via Laidlaw-Thompson, I'd just continue along on Skyline. It is still climbing...
So, down Skyline to Cornelius Pass, crossed, then ground up the stretch to Brooks. Best roller coaster descent on Brooks. Sadly, too short. Left on Kaiser, up around the corner, then eventually left on Germantown to Old Germantown. This is a special little climb, just over 2 miles, but the grade makes up for it, and the switchbacks are killers. It got me today. The phone book delivery and I had a fun little race to the top. He eventually won.
More climbing along NW Skyline, finally cresting at NW Greenleaf, down to Burnside, back onto Skyline, for the final little bit up to the intersection of SW Barnes and SW Skyline. Antenna farm!
All downhill from there.
Bike computer sez: 77.7 miles, at a not exciting average pace. 5900 vertical feet.
The route (I am sure the truth on the vertical feet lies somewhere in between)
1 comment:
It was great seeing you at Maggies. The nutella amaretti were surprisingly good cycling food, and the caffeinated mints came in handy Saturday night / Sunday morning. Thanks!
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