Date: Monday, November 2
Distance: 4.72 miles
Destination: Bogza Coffee, Beaverton, OR
Bike: Rivendell
Beverage: Borgia Mocha
Bike Friendliness: Super nice today; garage door was open, so I parked it behind my chair
Library book needed returning and voting needed to happen. All voting in Oregon is by mail, so we get our voters' pamphlet, campaign mail and ballot in plenty of time to read through it all, vote, and mail it back. Except the election is TOMORROW, and mail might not do it. Fortunately, the library is a official drop-off site. For that matter, the central official ballot drop-off site is not much further, but I didn't want to go there today.
Zipped over to the library, put the book in the magic return slot (scans the book's RFID chip and checks it right back in, probably triggering an email to the next person in line for the book), and, then, VERY trustingly, did not lock the bike before going inside to drop off the ballot. There were some missionaries hanging right by the bike rack, so they'd see if it went off with someone who wasn't me.

Contemplated a route from the library to Bogza - most direct is north on Hall Blvd, then left on Millikan Way. A bit dicey between Broadway and Millikan, because the bike lane vanishes, the lanes are narrow, and the traffic can be swift. Fortunately, many red lights today, so I could merge in and take the lane.
It was a nice day today, so they had one of the glass doors rolled up. Made bike parking easy - I put it right behind the squashy chair that I wanted to sit in anyway!

Borgia Mocha, and some forward progress on the Fair Isle Flower Sock. This sock has been very frustrating - the first contrast color I chose didn't work out (unravel!), then the sock seemed overly baggy (unravel to the end of the stranded work) and use a smaller needle. I think I've got it now.
Fitz joined me for awhile, and then headed home to get ready for woodworking class.
I then rode home via the brand new extension of Rose Biggi Ave - it used to be a parking lot cut through, followed by some outstanding potholes, and another parking lot which gave onto Dawson St. Now it is an excellent street and shiny new bridge over Beaverton Creek, which is formed by the confluence of Hall Creek and Messinger Creek. Messinger Creek is currently channeled into a storm sewer which terminates right at the edge of our property, and is currently overwhelming the catch basin and private diversion pipe, and flooding our downhill neighbor. More than you wanted to know.
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