Because my head still thinks I'm a badass cyclist, I rode to the start. Met Cecil at the top of the hill at 8:45, and proceeded west. We arrived aout 9:20, so had a nice chance to sit before starting out.
It was forecasted to possibly rain, but never really got around to it.
The 15's were 4 today - me, Cecil, Susan O, and Duncan.
Heading west on Zion Church Rd, I spied a wrench (spanner). Then I saw another one. Ok, I had to go back and pick them up.

At the start of the Dairy Creek Rd out-and-back, I suggested that everyone scamper off and have fun, and I'd turn around when they came back. Stopped for a snack at Oliver Hill Rd (where the Really Big Dog lives), then proceeded on. The field of yellow curly maple was positively vibrant against the hills in the background. MUST get one for the yard (I say this every year).
Waved at all the Velo ride groups heading back.
Lots of sheep and alpaca, all nice natural colors. I look at them as potential fleece sources now.

Got to the last uphill before the turnaround, and spotted Cecil and Susan headed back. We stopped in front of the friendly and cute alpacas. Duncan reappeared shortly after we stopped, so we all admired the alpacas.

Then back to Mountaindale Rd, and heading east now, back to the start, with the little loop by the pallet factory near the Jackson School/Shadybrook intersection. Then the evil nasty rollers on Jackson School (yes, I was getting tired and sore). Time for a couple of Ibuprofen. Susan found me a nice Philips head screwdriver to add to the collection. All Sears Craftsman tools, I might add.
Then, over Hwy 26, onto Meek-Sewell-Evergreen and done. Time for second breakfast. I had the Farmer's Platter and inhaled it all. Cecil was more restrained, and ordered the oatmeal. I also picked up a pound of coffee, because, well, the main business there is coffee and tea.

Nice visit with Ellen and Tom and others. Then it was time for Cecil and I to proceed onward to our respective homes. Ouch. I was tired. Had to stop once on the Park Way Hill, and it pains me to have to say this. I hope it will be the last time this is necessary.
61.53 miles, 11.27 avg mph. There were headwinds, and no tailwinds except heading north on Dairy Creek. And I was carrying a complete Sears Craftsman tool set and a pound of coffee. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Craftsman -- SUPER-nice find!
Ditto on the Craftsman!
BTW, rust is like cancer. Don the vinyl exam gloves, scrub the rust off with some steel wool, and then lightly coat with WD-40 before allowing them to touch your other tools.
But they'll last a lifetime!
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